Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Too Short A Post

Back, had an amazing time, too tired for a long post.

Was sick in Paris, a different sick when I got home, and am now trying to recover, get back to writing, see all my friends, and find a job. Busy girl...

THE DARK KNIGHT looks amazing. I'm really looking forward to it, although I wonder how I'll react to seeing HEATH LEDGER on the big screen. I cried when I caught some of 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU on cable a few weeks ago.

Very tired. I've been going to bed before midnight. It's weird waking up at six or seven without an alarm, but kind of nice. The days seem longer, in a good way.

Incidentally, if you nearly faint in a Duane Reade because of a 101.6 fever, the employees will forever look at you strangely when you come in. So, you know, try not to do that.
- LV

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Learn To Fly

All my bags are packed, and I'm ready to go...

My dad is picking me up in 20 minutes. We're seeing relatives in Queens before he drops me off at the airport for my flight tonight.

I've already cried twice in 24 hours out of pure, abject, stinky fear. I stayed up until around 4 in the morning watching old episodes of ANGEL, which I find very soothing (I made it from season 2 to partway through season 3, for those interested).

I am, to put it mildly, a very bad flier. My friend who I'm meeting is also not answering her phone.

But I have my notebooks to write in, my fully charged iPod to listen to, and two books to read (NEUROMANCER by WILLIAM GIBSON and REAPER MAN by TERRY PRATCHETT) to keep me occupied. And medication that will reportedly keep me sightly calmer.

I will be back on the 14th of March. I probably won't be able to post (hold back the tears! be strong!), but I'll try to write something to confirm I'm still breathing.

And maybe I'll post some pictures too.

Taking Deep Breaths & Focusing On The Not Panic,
- LV