Wednesday, June 25, 2008

200th Post

Oh, and...

* New movie review at The Fangirl Review. I think it's important for your life that you read it. Friends don't let friends watch crap.

* Edward Norton in suspenders is really, really hot. I mean, he's usually hot, but he somehow makes suspenders the most erotic accessory in the known universe. I'm talking about THE PAINTED VEIL, which was an excellent film with many good qualities, but which will be eternally remembered by me as the 'that sad movie with the OMFG suspenders and Norton's bare ass.' Because I am a shallow, shallow person.

* Did you know Sylvester Stallone was in the Woody Allen movie BANANAS? Well, I forgot, and now I will never forget again. Ever. I want it written on my tombstone. Under "Self-loathing Narcissist" and above, "I TOLD you I was sick."
- LV

PS I just realized this was my 200th post. GO ME. How should I celebrate? KEGGER.


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