Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kellan Lutz Will Climb A Tree for Your Attention

Back in February, Kellan Lutz wore an all-white outfit, and took the dog for a walk. The paps were around. And he really really wanted to read his book. So he climbed a tree. And was obviously fully engrossed. Photographers took his picture. His fans, the Twi-Hards, who are, as you know, learning impaired, seemed to think this was by accident.

Posing in a tree is about as egregious in famewhore terms as, well, as Heidi and Spencer. So there’s that.

Kellan Lutz was at an event the other day. And someone tried to ask him about...acting, or something. And this is was his answer:

“It’s tough for me to play vulnerable, or be taken serious as vulnerable. People don’t look at me that way. I’m a 6′1″, 195-pound guy. In a studio movie, I audition and they’re like, ‘No, Kellan, can’t play this thing at all.’ It’s nice to find independents that you can have fun doing.”

So what he’s trying to say is that, in his mind, he’s too goodlooking and, like, too fit to be able to convince anyone that he can be tender...?

This, out of Kellan’s ass, is the male equivalent of Jessica Biel complaining that she’s too pretty to be taken seriously for serious parts.


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