Sunday, May 27, 2007

In Brief

Roger Waters Concert
Fantastic show. Pink Floyd was never one of my favorite bands, but I seriously would have to be a moron to miss out on a chance to see their songs performed live. And it was worth it. They played all three of my favorite songs [Another Brick In The Wall, Wish You Were Here, and Have A Cigar]. I didn't expect it to be so political. Roger Waters does NOT like Bush.

The visuals were mind-blowing. They had the prism from Dark Side Of The Moon, and a pig float and a spaceman float. I can't really describe it - partly because I spent about a third of the concert staring psychotically at the very cute stoned boy standing next to me. Yes, I AM that shallow and easily distracted.

My friend dragged me to this anime film, and I'm truly glad she did. Despite the fact that I am a movie junkie, I know almost nothing about anime. I always figure it's big-breasted cartoon characters being molested by monsters with tentacles. Not so. The graphics were stunning, and the story, while confusing, was complex and the characters were endearing. I'll see more anime films - as long as there are no tentacles. Unless the tentacles are funny.

Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End
Honestly, much better than I expected. Certainly better than the second one. And Johnny Depp had no shirt on for part of the film which, if you think about it, is a fairly rare occurrance. I was very happy. Because my hormones rule me, apparently.

But the best part was the weird conglomeration of actors in this movie. Geoffrey Rush and Johnny Depp yelling over who gets to run the boat? Stellen Skaarsgard and Bill Nighy growing starfish? Chow Yun Fat lecturing Keira Knightley? We got it. And seriously, Keith Richards' cameo as Depp's dad was, despite being ridiculously hyped, not overdone at all. It was a nice moment. He looked like a rock star of days gone by. He was probably around back then. See? A timely and witty joke about modern pop culture!

And the ending was very satisfying. Stick around after the credits - that's all I'll say. Although I would prefer this to be the final one. The trilogy ended on a not-sucky note. Let's not draw it out. Please. For the sake of my well-being. And your own self-respect.

Penn Station
The people assigned to work there were assholes, and I nearly cried in a corner while giving people paper cuts with my ticket. Instead, I tried to keep my panic attack under some modicum of control. They sent me to the wrong place, where I nearly got on the Long Island Railroad; they yelled at me when I asked what track I was on. We missed the first train; the second was delayed by twenty minutes. Finally, a police officer gave us the right directions, and I nearly hugged him.

Panna II
Indian restaurant located at 93 1st Avenue on curry row. Ask for Babu; he gave me and my friend free soup, samosas, ice cream, and naan. The food is delicious, and the lights hanging from the ceiling are trippy. But remember: at the top of the stairs, make a LEFT. The restaurant on the right is not so friendly. And one more warning: if you are female, Babu may hug you, kiss you, or give you his phone number. He's only trying to drum up business, but still.

Right now I'm once again stuck in Jersey, where it is hot and boring and I am unable to smoke because my younger brother will chase me around the house howling. And frankly, I have no need for such trauma.

General crankiness in New Jersey today. Nobody is in a particularly good mood. I want to be left alone to finish read The Phantom Of The Opera, and ponder the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow. Incidentally, it's a very good book.

I had a dream about zombies the other night. They won the epic battle, and I spent the entire night trying to escape them by hiding under a pile of pillows. Apparently my visions of being a fierce zombie slayer aren't entirely accurate - even in my dreams.

'Cable cars are fun. Everyone gets on board and becomes a rhesus monkey. No one talks on a cable car, they just hang and stare And the guy in the front, with no steering wheel, going, 'What the fuck? What the fuck's this one do?' Pulling levers, levers. Is it four levers that just do fuck all? That it? He's always ringing that bell, going, 'Help! Help!' Endless bell ringing! What is he, the Hunchback of Notre Dame? The bell - him and the guy from the stock market are the same person, I think. At the end of the stock market, they ring a bell. It's the same bell. Oh, yes. Never link those two together again.'
- Eddie Izzard


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