Wednesday, May 23, 2007

So Much For Productivity

There is nothing quite like sitting around with a few friends while stoned/drunk/both, and laughing hysterically at something none of you can remember.

There is also nothing like sitting on a roof in New York City in the morning, drinking coffee and beer and smoking cigarettes with aforementioned friends. Or maybe there is. Either way, if you don't do it often enough where you require an intervention, it can be quite a fun experience.

The next few days should be intriguing, if not downright pleasant. Tomorrow I'm going to see Pink Floyd with my father, who has an insane gift when it comes to getting tickets for anything you might want. The next day, my friend and I are going to see Paprika, which is some anime film that is apparently fantastic and life-changing, etc.

Tomorrow I also have to have lunch with one of those people who would call you a friend, but you would call, 'a guilty annoyance that I cannot cut out from my life because it would be too much of a hassle, but who I avoid as much as possible.' Should I feel bad about that?

Anyway. I'm reading The Know-It-All by A.J. Jacobs, which I highly reccommend if you are partial to useless trivia [as I most certainly am]. I have a soft spot for anyone with obsessive tendencies.

My roommate is gone for the moment, and I am enjoying the silence.

So far, I am torn between two martial arts school. One seems easier and has more classes, but is more expensive. The other is cheaper, and they teach you to use weapons, but it sounds like I will die during the first class when some muscle-bound ninja drop-kicks me out of a third-story window. And I'm not sure I should be trusted with sharp objects.

Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End comes out on Friday. I do want to see it [I've liked Johnny Depp since 21 Jump Street, so fuck everyone], but I don't know if I want to put up with the screaming hysteria that is opening weekend for a major film. When the second one came out, for some reason I insisted on seeing it opening night. I ended up screaming at several people, and having a temper tantrum on the way home that was only partly due to the film I had just seen. In my defense, listening to a drunken moron offer running commentary on the 'fags' in the film would stretch anyone's nerves.

And so much for that. I'm relaxing, which I haven't done in a long while. College sort of makes you feel guilty for having free time; I keep looking around, expecting one of my professors to leap out of the college and screech at me for not finishing my paper on sexual minorities in the news media.

I really need to get used to being a college graduate. Maybe I should go mock some freshmen. But that would require getting off the couch.

'If I was a religious person, I'd be Roman Catholic, because if there is a god he MUST be Italian.'
- Douglas Adams


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