Tuesday, May 22, 2007

To Begin

How do you introduce yourself? Are the facts I consider important really that significant? And how do I differ from thousands of other people out there, banging away at their keyboards with an inflated sense of their own self-worth?

Not as much as I'd like to imagine, probably. So let's get the basics out of the way.

I'm a twenty-one year-old female. I was born in New Jersey, and lived there for most of my formative years. I graduated from college last week [Eugene Lang, for anyone remotely interested]. I smoke. I drink. I live in the Financial District with my roommate, who is certifiable. I'm trying to make a career for myself as a journalist. I have a paid internship at a major publishing company as an Editorial Assistant in the children's department. I start in June.

I also like all the usual shit that people like: books, TV shows, movies, comics, serial killers, the impending zombie attack. I also like lists. I have lists for everything, from the usual shit [TV shows, movies, comics, food, children's names], to a few less common areas, like Fictional Characters I Would Tackle And Drag Into A Dark Alley To Violate and Most Inappropriate Things To Say On A First Date.

Fun factoid: all my children's names are for boys. So, if I'm ever insane enough to reproduce, I will most likely end up with a screaming passel of spoiled little girls demanding Bratz toys or Britney Spears records. Or whatever they'll have in those dark days of the future.

Anyway. I've started this blog to chronicle life post-college. I feel like it will be entertaining, at least to me. So far, nothing is different, except I'm procrastinating doing laundry instead of writing a paper on the cultural significance of dirt.

A few things I'm currently fixated on: Doctor Who, V For Vendetta, Will Christopher Baer, Watchmen, The Poughkeepsie Tapes, Quentin Tarantino, and Hunter S. Thompson [to be fair, I've been obsessed with Hunter S. Thompson and Quentin Tarantino since high school, but that's neither here nor there].

Stupid Things That Really Bug Me
1. When people spit.
2. Fake nails
3. Saying, 'bum a smoke.'
4. New York smoking laws.
5. The phrase, 'post-modern.'
6. People who iron their pillowcases.
7. Car alarms.
8. The fact that I have seen a picture of Britney Spears' vagina.
9. Ann Coulter's existence.
10. People who say, 'like' after every word.


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