Monday, July 9, 2007

All Hail Spider Jerusalem, President of My Attack Ovaries

A Brief Look At ElleVee's Week:

  • Distribute roughly 1,000 books throughout the office.
  • Check the contact information for over 600 independent bookstores
  • Read 175-page manuscript and write reader's report
  • Read and edit 251-page manuscript and write reader's report
  • Handle slush (need I say more?)
  • Have meeting with president of imprint to discuss Dean Koontz project
  • Write flap copy for children's book (and edit it)
  • Attend meeting on OTHER manuscript to determine if it goes to publishers.
  • Have ANOTHER meeting with president of imprint to determine whether or not to purchase entirely different manuscript, which I just finished commenting on.

People keep giving me manuscripts to read. Which is a nice change from reading slush (one being written by published or soon-to-be-published authors, the other being written by the same people who flash you on the subway). But it's a lot of pressure.

I have decided that this is punishment for last week. The Gods of Publishing saw me sitting at my desk, whining about slush, playing around on and, and judged me unworthy. I have sinned, and this is my penance. Stupid Gods of Publishing.

I'll keep you updated on these projects as they occur. All I can say so far is that nobody needs to worry about Barnes & Noble or Borders taking over the bookstore market. In fact, maybe they should buy a few more bookstores. CRUSH THE LITTLE GUY! CONFORM!

I can't decide if I should go to the Strand today or not. Because, you know, I have so much free time. So, so much free time.

In other news, Warren Ellis is now the God of My Brain. Hurrah to him, and may he be a benevolent god.

For some reason the evil 'Title' part of this page is not obeying me, so here is the title I intended for this post:

"All Hail Spider Jerusalem, President of My Attack Ovaries."

Yeah. Think about it. DID I JUST BLOW YOUR MIND?! Read Transmetropolitan, and all will make sense. In your ENTIRE LIFE. I need to go home.

EDIT: Now the title is where it belongs. The world is where it should be. Sort of.


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