Saturday, May 17, 2008

And In Other News...

I am so hungover that the room is wobbling, and I'm typing this through squinted eyes with a sou stomach that burns. My friend Esse kept buying me drinks, because I lack money. The upside is I left the house with twenty bucks, and returned with twenty bucks. The downside is if someone keeps buying you drinks, you sort of have to drink them. It's just rude otherwise.

And there's a rat/mouse hybrid in my apartment. A huge fucker, but possibly not full-on rat. It's a mat. Or a rouse. Or the roaches have finally evolved to ENORMOUS FUCKING SIZES. I don't know. My glasses weren't on.

This isn't one of the cute mice I caught and released. This is an evil bastard with NO SOUL. When it lunged at one point, I got the supreme delight of enacting a cliche, and jumped on a chair and screeched for several seconds.

I am sitting on my bed with my shoes on and my glasses clean and on my face. I still feel too dizzy and nauseous and vile to get up, but a dose of animalistic terror really does clear the head. I'll probably hide up here until I see it again, or a half an hour passes and I finish my bottle of water. Then I'll go for a walk. That about sums up what I can handle today. 

Maybe no drinking for a few days. Too much celebration for me. I am a party pooper.

In other news, I need to stop compulsively downloading music.

Crud. Now I need to go to the bathroom. Dare I trek to the lavatory, knowing such a fearsome beast is watching my every move, plotting my demise? To be continued...
- LV


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