Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sweet Jesus' DONUTS

There is a rat in my apartment. Not a mouse, which wouldn't bother me. A rat. I thought a CAT had broken into my apartment until I noticed the tail. I actually jumped on a chair and screeched. I didn't know people did that in real life.

The exterminator came, but he put down that sticky shit. I think when I get home I'm going to throw it out. I'm against teh sticky traps, because they're cruel and also I don't want to INTERACT with the damn thing. I just want it to relocate.

Also, the roaches have been coming out in droves. I can't walk barefoot in my apartment right now. This is almost making me feel better about having to move out in like two months. Almost.

Going back to Jersey either today or tomorrow for The Talk yet again. Here is an annotated version of said Talk:
Parents: What do you want to do with your life?
ElleVee: I have no idea.
P: You need a job.
LV: I know.
P: Do you want to go back to school?
LV: I don't know.
P: Do you want us to lock you in the basement so as to hide your shameful existence from polite society?
LV: ....Can I bring my laptop?

It's circular arguing, and frankly I'm sick of it. I don't know what I want to do. I want to be IRON MAN's assistant, but PEPPER POTTS already has that job, and also they don't exist. All my ideal jobs are fictional. I may go sit outside Marvel or Vertigo with coffee and bribe people into hiring me. Or I'll get a fake beard and pretend to be Alan Moore. "Yes, I need all the original WATCHMEN stuff... And a free pass to the set of the movie. Of course I'm British, this is how we TALK you FOOL. I seem shorter? I shrank. I'm very sensitive about it, to be honest... the boobs? Well, it's a funny story..."

And we're back. It's a beautiful, glorious day in New York, and at this moment I don't want to leave. Then someone spits near my feet or I see another uber-hipster glare at me for some mysterious reason (they glare at everyone, but still), or I remember that it's a Wednesday and I'm sitting in a Starbucks drinking a water because I'm broke, and everyone else is at work or on summer vacation, and I'm suddenly annoyed with the city all over again.

I've seen three people dressed like Slash today. Is there a reason?

I probably do need a break from New York. Like when you're in love with someone, but you need to take a break before you get married. Especially when your love is a cheap bastard who won't give you a job anywhere.

I just wish I knew what I wanted to DO. I want to do something that involves movie and TV and books and comics. Find me a job. Go to it.

Oh, and I reviewed it in depth in my other blog, but the season finale of HOUSE made me cry like a prison bitch. It was that good. Anyone want to start a petition for ROBERT SEAN LEONARD to win a Golden Globe?
- LV


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