Saturday, May 17, 2008

Watchmen Stuff

I was just lying here feeling gross and googling WATCHMEN, since I spent most of the day reading it in between bouts of sickness, when I came across this comment on another blog, which is so fucking brilliant I wish I'd written it: 

"I thought the point of Watchmen was that superheroes are totally awesome, like, even more than ninjas, pirates and zombies put together and that smart people are crazy and want to kill us. And that sex in superhero costumes is wicked sweet."

The 'point' of things, is of course, subjective. People can and have written long tomes on the symbolism and metaphors of the work. On one level, that's what I spent my college career doing, so I support that. On the other hand, picking apart books and movies and comic can sometimes detract from the work itself. And the point of WATCHMEN is, ultimately, that it's a goddamn good story with great characters.

I'm rambling. Apologies all around.
- LV


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