Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Business Is Done!

Just some notes:

* Finally downloaded my entire iTunes library to hard drive, and burned every CD I own (except a few incredibly awful CDs I refuse to admit ever purchasing) (and why do I have so many Punk-O-Ramas?). I have 8,416 songs. I wants more. Music is good.

* My family got a dog. After my first dog died last winter, we finally got a new one for my little brother (and, since I'm moving home, like, now, me). He's a one year old pure white Australian Shepherd/Labrador mix. I got to name him, so his name is Hunter S. Thompson. Yes, it does say that on his adoption papers, and we only use his first name... well, my mom uses his full name when he's chewing on stuff. He's very sweet. He was abused, though, so we're trying to make him as relaxed as possible. My dad loves him, mainly because he's housebroken.

* As stated before, I'm moving home, like, now. As in, we're going on Friday to get most of my stuff, and I'll be officially out by June 15th. It's weird. I'm relieved I'll no longer be living in constant fear of animals crawling on me, but I'm going to miss New York, and my freedom.

* Job interview tomorrow with a company in Jersey I have no interest in working for. But I figure if I get the job and work for a few months, I can get the hell out of Dodge.

* Moving home after living away for four years SUCKS. Like, really sucks. Nobody told me how much this would suck. And not having your own car when you live in an area that can only be traversed in a vehicle? Painful. Physically painful.

* The Wii FIt is the greatest invention since sliced bread. Worship and fear it.

* I can't decide if moving home to live in my parent's basement is a tragic cliche, or an ironic post-modern statement, and frankly I'd rather it be neither.
- LV


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