Sunday, March 7, 2010

Someone Ever Tries To Kill You You Try To Kill 'Em Right Back!

* This is my life philosophy. Title is from Firefly.

I am trying out different sorts of blog entries, and you guys need to tell me if you prefer the old format, or the new one. THIS IS YOUR JOB. In return you will get funny/informative entries. Maybe.

Relax, tomorrow we're returning to the old format, for the most part, and MAN have there been a lot of toilets built since I took a break. Hah... eh...

Tonight I'm LiveBlogging/LiveTweeting the Oscars. You guys should tune in, as I am sure there will be much screaming/raging/armflailing/me demanding that Paul Haggis return his Oscar and apologize. It will be fine. So check out here at 8 PM EST, and my Twitter account as well. There will be fun!

Reader Questions
* Since I have a Formspring, and it's fun answering questions, and I have awesome readers, here are a few questions/comments from you guys:

A quick note: you are aware that the Beatles didn't do their own voices in the original Yellow Submarine, right?
- S Michael Wilson, Author, Blogger, Movie Critic

Yeah, I do know. But I care not, because at least they were around to sign away their lives. They could make the decision themselves. More importantly, the idea of a CGI'd George Harrison makes my soul weep.

i was wondering where abouts in england you were visiting? if you don't think i'm bein massively invasive or crossing some sort of boundary that is! i'm from sheffield myself which is famous for making things out of steel and also the magnificent PULP!

so, yeah, nice one!
-Elrossiter, Blogger, Photographer, Awesome-Type British person

I was in Greater London. I visited Surrey, Kent, and spent much time at Victoria Station. Pulp is FANTASTIC. I enjoy everything about your country. I haven't been to Sheffield, but I will definitely put it on my next itinerary. I WANT TO LIVE IN ENGLAND, OH GOD.... I'm OK. I'll make some tea.

WHY MUST HOLLYWOOD DO THIS??? There are some remakes that are full of win, but seriously...CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG? NO. Dick Van Dyke is gonna mow down some mutha fuckas with a flame thrower. Hell he can borrow mine.
- DancesWithElvis, Artist, Blogger, Scientist, Weapons Expert

I think we need to get Dick Van Dyke a flame thrower. That would solve most of the worlds' problems. Or me. I need one. For obvious reasons. All problems can be solved with fire.

And two questions from FormSpring:

What would you do if you found out, late in the relationship, that your boyfriend was a clown?
You guys just LOVE making me think about clowns, don't you? First off, this would never happen. What, is he a secret clown? What sort of clown? The Joker is, technically, a clown, but he scares me in a good way. If my boyfriend had a Joker thing, I could live with that. Any other clown? Like that scary-ass one that honked on TV but didn't talk? You really think I wouldn't notice my boyfriend's big floppy shoes or red nose? I AM OBSERVANT.

If you were a superhero (or villain, doesnt matter), what would your power be?

I want to be one of those criminal masterminds. I want to be a combination of Lex Luthor, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman.

That doesn't really answer your question... I want super-ninja skills. I want to be able to bring down a guy three feet taller than me. And I want to be crazy and brilliant, and my boyfriend to be The Joker.

So what have we learned here? I love England, fear clowns, resent CGI, enjoy fire, and want to be a tiny mad ninja of justice.

So, no surprises.
- LV


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