Monday, October 15, 2007

I'm Falling Behind In The Race Of Life!

What the fuck? I was innocently checking out, and my humble blog has fallen! Tremendously! I went from 2,515,283 to fucking 2,910,025! How could I have allowed the quality of my work to fall so far?! Come on, guys, I know people are reading this - the counter at the bottom doesn't lie. It DOESN'T, man! So go to this website: My Technorati Website and favorite me, or add me, or do something to increase my frankly pathetic numbers. Otherwise I'll find disgusting things on th internet and horrify you into a coma.

In other news, I was sick yesterday and vomited. The good news is that I got to miss work, and spent the day lying in the fetal position watching BLACKADDER and THE THIN MAN and reading LIFE WITH JEEVES. Incidentally, the last episode of BLACKADDER was so sad that I nearly cried. I couldn't, of course, because my friend Kay was over doing homework, and she didn't need me weeping in the corner while she tried to write a paper. So I restrained myself.

I'm going to see MADAMA BUTTERFLY with my parents tonight. I'm pretty excited - I've never been to the opera. It will be a nice contrast to the usual cultural dregs I immerse myself in.

I am getting a bit desperate to find a new job. Anything that isn't in retail.

And as for my 'book' (right now it's a collection of rants, much like this), I'm not sure how far from my real life I should go. Should Christopher Eccleston show up suddenly and be my love interest? Should I grow a foot (in height, not an extra appendage)? Should I solve crime? Right now it's pretty much real life. But real life is boring and depressing and kind of sucks. So I'm not sure. The dieting aspect has to be true, otherwise what's the fucking point? But everything else could, theoretically, come straight from the twisted hallways of my mind. Thoughts?

I need to finish getting ready for the opera. I suspect my V FOR VENDETTA T-Shirt would be frowned upon. Philistines.
- LV


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