Monday, October 1, 2007

My Feet Hurt Too Much For Me To Be Funny

I'm going to collapse any second, but a word of advice to all men: Do not go into a bookstore at 7:30 PM to buy your girlfriend her birthday present when the party is at 8:00 PM THAT DAY. And don't say, "My girlfriend really likes fantasy. What book would she like?" How the fuck should I know? I spent an ungodly length of time trying to find him a fucking book for this girl (all of which he rejected, because apparently his girlfriend is a delicate flower that can't tolerate a curse word in a book.), and even grabbed another employee. Eventually he bought himself a manga and left. I really wish I could hear his explanation as to why he has no present for his poor girlfriend.

I'm going to cut my feet off. Then they won't hurt.

I read Warren Ellis' comic FELL; VOLUME ONE - FERAL CITY tonight. Excellent. Weird graphics, but I was really into them by the end. Not as good as TRANSMETROPOLITAN, but honestly, what the hell could be?

There are many cute guys working with me. I enjoy the view.
- LV


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