Thursday, October 4, 2007

Who Watches The Watchmen? I Do!

So. Was reading up on THE WATCHMEN movie, due out in 2009. And I'm really, really worried it will suck. Note: Not worried in the sense of crying in my beer, waking up in a cold sweat, seeking counselling sense; just when I think about it, I get worried.

It's directed by Zach Snyder, which is OK. His remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD was fucking incredible, and is one of the movies I most frequently throw on when I want to just enjoy myself. 300, which some people consider anal leakage, wasn't terrible. The story sucked, but the graphic novel story sucked too. It was never Frank Miller's best work. And it looked incredible, and the cast was impressive considering what they had to work with. I saw it twice, inexplicably, and I didn't hate it. And since Snyder has worked with adaptations before, he (hopefully) knows how to be sensitive to source material.

The screenwriters: One wrote the first two X-MEN (yay!) and THE SCORPION KING (no!). The other is an unknown. Hm.

The cast: Thank the everloving fuck (what does that mean?) that they didn't cast Jude Law as Rorschach. I would have gone kamikaze. Or bitched about it incessantly to you poor people. Luckily, Jackie Earle Haley from LITTLE CHILDREN is doing it (is it just me, or does he look EXACTLY like Spider from TRANSMETROPOLITAN?) He should bee good.

Patrick Wilson doesn't really look like The Nite Owl, but he's a good actor. Billy Crudup as Dr. Manahattan is really interesting. I'm indifferent to the chick. And Matthew Goode could go either way as Adrien Veidt.

So, until I hear otherwise, I'm going to be cautiously optimistic. The cast is... weird. I'll say that. And not my first choices (although my first choices were insane, so that's probably a good thing.) Alan Moore is most likely stroking out somewhere over this. Let's hope it's closer to V FOR VENDETTA than THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN.

I'm watching the Watchmen. Sorry. I just like saying that. Off to go drinking with some friends from my old journalism class. May THE WATCHMEN not suck.
- LV


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