Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Library Complaints

425 pages. Experiencing a period of doubt about the book, but I keep reminding myself it's only the first draft, and the second draft will be much cleaner and make a lot more sense. I know what I have to do to fix it, but I also know that if I start going back and fixing things now, I'll never finish the damn thing. That's what happened with my Death novel, and I'm still not sure it will ever recover. That book had no ending.

20th Century Ghosts continues to be amazing, and fill me with jealousy over my inability to write nearly as well. "Best New Horror" is my favorite story so far. It's definitely not the best, but I enjoy the creepiness factor.

I've been threatening to talk about my local library, so I might as well. It sucks. I'm old in my head, I suppose - I dislike the new movie section, and the large music section, especially since the books seem to have suffered. They have virtually no Terry Pratchett.

Books On Hold From Other Libraries, Because My Library Doesn't Have Them
* Cold Hand In Mine - Robert Aickman
* Strange Doings - R.A. Lafferty
* Arkham Asylum - Grant Morrison
* The Sandman: Fables & Reflections - Neil Gaiman
* Twilight - Stephenie Meyer

I've had them on hold for a few days now, and none of them have come in yet. I'm very annoyed by this, even though I have more than enough reading to keep me occupied through 2010. It's the principle of the thing, damn it. And their comic collection was mainly manga, which I dislike for no particular reason. Plus it smells funny, and none of the people who work there read anything that isn't on the bestseller list [I know, I know, I'm a hopeless snob. I accept these failings]. I have an inherent issue with anyone who worships Alice Sebold.

Anyway. I have a library, and a library card, and I shouldn't complain. I will, of course, but I'm well aware that I shouldn't.

Another day of work. I have writing to do, resumes to send out, books to read, and a large white dog snoring beside me on the couch.
- LV


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