Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Slightly Less Hostile Post

Books I Borrowed From The Supremely Crappy Public Library:
* 20th Century Ghosts - Joe Hill
* The Knife Thrower - Steven Millhauser
* Viriconium - M. John Harrison
* 5 Novels - Daniel Pinkwater

Books I'm Currently Reading
* 20th Century Ghosts - Joe Hill [It's wonderful and creepy and funny. I kind of hate him for being such a good writer. But he's a really nice guy, so I don't hate him for long.]
* On Writing - Stephen King [I'm reading this in bursts as I work on my book. Depending on how the writing's going, it either fills me with confidence and excitement, or unbridled despair and self-loathing. So I try to time the reading accordingly.]
* Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency - Douglas Adams [I miss Douglas Adams. His writing is always so sharp and concise. No bullshit. It's like gargling to clean out the extraneous material.]

I'm also flipping through a collection of H.P. Lovecraft, but if I read more than one story a day I become very spooky and paranoid, and convinced that something horrible is coming to get me.

414 pages, but I'm going to write more now.

Later today or tomorrow I'm going to post a long, angry missive on why my library has filled me with such anger.

Also, on the geeky/psychotic front, I'm making a list of all the authors/books mentioned in Neil Gaiman's blog. Everything from my current library haul is from his blog [except for the Joe Hill, which I would have gotten anyway, because Joe Hill rocks out loud]. I'm trying to expand my reading circle, and he talks about books and authors I don't know, and I just can't abide that. Even though quite a few of the authors he likes are a little suspect. Also, my own books were beginning to piss me off. Can't say why.

All right, now I'm just procrastinating. Back to work.
- LV


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