Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Quickest Of Updates

Relatives coming in from England tomorrow. This week, and most of next, will be family-filled chaos. Having a lot of relatives can really wear you down.

Was dragged to the new Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie, and it was indeed as awful as I had imagined. My brother had damn well better love me forever for this.

Finished Viriconium. Despite the awards, rave reviews, and introduction by Neil Gaiman, I just didn't get it. Or rather, I liked it but felt like I was missing something big, which rapidly began to annoy me. It was beautifully written, and the short stories in particular were intriguing, but overall I feel like the Point of the book slipped by me.

I'm not as smart as I like to think, or have everyone believing. Still, I will read other things by this author.

Didn't write this weekend. Felt too lousy. Hopefully will finish The Book this week, or next. Also hopefully will have job interviews this week, or next, or my parents are going to kill me, collect the insurance money, and call it even.

Next book is The Knife Thrower by Steven Millhauser, although I think I'll read a few pages of Twilight before passing out.

Don't judge me; I honestly never meant to like those books. It just... happened.

On the subject of Stuff I Ended Up Loving Despite Trying Desperately Not To, I am seriously annoyed that the Harry Potter movie was pushed back. I mean, What the HELL? How long are they going to draw this out? Alan Rickman's going to be DEAD by the time they finish this. That was awful. I apologize for saying that. Alan Rickman is one of the Olde Gods, and he shall live forever, reading the End Of Days in his sonorous and Eternal Voice.

Yeah. I need to go to sleep.
- LV


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