Saturday, August 16, 2008

Random Notes

* Sick today. Slept a lot, had many disturbing nightmares [one about ticks on my face, one about being awake but unable to move [I have that one a lot], and one about these amazing cream puffs from Brooklyn that wasn't really a nightmare].

* Still reading Viriconium. Enjoying it immensely. On the second book in the collection.

* Saw Tropic Thunder last night, and found it hilarious and clever, although I was pretty freaked out by the dancing sequence at the end. Does anyone else want them to really make Satan's Alley? Seriously, I'd go see it.

* Ate a lot of grapes today. Like, an amazing amount of grapes. There is now a grape shortage in the North East due to my craving.

* May be forced to take my younger brother and his friends to the new Star Wars movie tomorrow, if I'm feeling better, and can't fake being sick well enough to convince my family I shouldn't be forced to drag wild-eyed ten year-old boys through a movie theater.

* That's all. Going to lie back down now, and hopefully stop feeling vile.
- LV


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