Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day 24 Of Unemployment: Random Thoughts & Pretensions

* It really bugs me when people are proud of the fact that they don't read. People actually brag about this. And it always boggles me. Look, I read a fucking obscene amount of books. That's just me. And I admittedly read when I should be out, you know, interacting with other carbon-based life-forms. If you don't read a lot, that's fine. If you don't read at all, that's fucking tragic. But bragging about it? That's weird. It's like saying, "Hello, I do not want to know anything about anything. I am happy being a complete ignoramus, and think this makes me cool or rebellious in some way." Fuck you. It makes me sad, and immediately question your intelligence. As I said, not reading is... well, it sucks. But I get that a lot of people don't read. But being proud of it? Holy everloving fuck, just wear a sign that says "Moron For Life."

* I've never seen a full episode of FRIENDS. That's something I'M proud of. I've seen pieces of it - most recently the cameo by Hugh Laurie, where he yells at Rachel, which makes me squeal with uninhibited, alarming glee. And in some classes in college, we were supposed to watch episodes an analyze them. I usually fell asleep. I just find the show [what little I've seen] to be stupid, offensive, and boring. And that Rachel bitch sounds MEAN. Although the cameos I've watched on youtube - particularly Hugh Laurie, Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, & Reese Witherspoon - have been brilliant.

*'Wichcraft makes fucking awesome sandwiches. I had Sicilian tuna with olives and lemon on a roll, and it has made my belly happy on several levels. You should go. Right now.

* Just bought DARKLY DREAMING DEXTER and STIFF: THE CURIOUS LIVES OF HUMAN CADAVERS at the St. Mark's Bookshop. Best bookstore ever, even if it's intimidating. I feel like my intellectual abilities are being scrutinized and mocked by everyone working there. I also bought my friend Kay her birthday present. Which I can't tell, because someone might tell her.

* Netflix, Netflix, Netflix. Why do you not receive my DVDs? Why do you not send me more DVDs? Why does Labor Day have to mock me with no mail. No mail means no DVDs, means no joy in Elle's life. I am amazed by how dependent I am on the mail. But, when I'm waiting for more episodes of DEXTER and season two of JEEVES & WOOSTER, how can you blame me?

* I just saw a Skittles commercial involving a singing bunny. I have no idea what the fuck it was about, but now I am afraid of Skittles.

* I have work tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can't find the piece of paper with the address. Or the number to call in case I lose the address. So this should get interesting really quickly.

May the singing bunny from the Skittles commercial not come sing near you. Seriously, it was fucking creepy. It sang in the rain. That's terrifying.
- LV


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