Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Like Sands Through The Hourglass, So Are The Days Of Our Lives. Or Something.

I know, I know. I suck. I haven't posted in a while. Nobody seems particularly devastated, but I still have been remiss in my blogging duties.

But I have news, and thoughts, so you shall not leave empty-handed! Well, OK, you WILL leave this site empty-handed, but think how much richer your intellectual landscape will be. Think about it.

* I have a job. It's minimum wage, and retail, but who cares? I have a job! I am employed - a productive member of society contributing to the glorious wealth and prosperity of our nation. It's a chain bookstore. I will be a cashier/floor person thingy. I am a cog in the machinery of corporate America. But I get a discount on books, and a paycheck. Expect many, many updates involving work. I start next week. This Saturday I have a training program. I wonder if I get paid.

* 3:10 To Yuma: SO. FUCKING. GOOD. Westerns rule. I've been a Western junkie ever since I saw the Lonesome Dove mini-series when I was a little kid. I love Westerns. And Westerns with Christian Bale, Luke Wilson, and Alan Tudyk (who I adore) are the bestest type of all.

* Resident Evil - Extinction: So. Fucking. DUMB. But I liked it. I am very low maintenance when it comes to zombie movies. I just want gore, violence, and... actually, that's all I want. Plus, I would switch teams for Milla Jovovich. She's on the very elite list of Girls I Would Switch Sexual Teams For. But that's a list for another day. And lots of alcohol.

* Heroes: WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME ABOUT THIS SHOW?! All right, a lot of you did. Why didn't you make me watch it sooner? SO MANY WASTED YEARS! Or months. It hasn't been on that long. Everyone on the show is very pretty, including the guys, but I love Hiro. Hiro breaks my heart. I want to snuggle him.

* Ugly Betty: This is just a really good show I re-watched over the past few weeks. I'm Betty. Without braces, and a less frightening fashion sense. But also not as nice. On this show, I love Henry. And Rebecca Romijn fucking RULES as Alexis Meade. She's badass.

* House, M.D.: The universe made sense last night with the season premiere of House. And it turned out to be one of the most fucked-up episodes EVER. Well, the case was. The rest of it was just funny and typical House-y goodness. I miss Chase, though. Not because I thought he was hot - my heart belongs to the crazy old drug-addicted crippled genius of the show. But I adored his interaction with House. I also think Chase was incredibly funny, and they need to exploit that more. Bottom line, though: FUCKED UP CASE. Horrifying. Not even gross - just FUCKED UP. It's going to be a good season.

That's all. I feel tired and not particularly good at the moment. But I promise to write more often. STOP PRESSURING ME.
- LV


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