Friday, September 7, 2007

Day 29 Of Unemployment: More Strange Rumblings In September

Saw my third roach today. Admittedly, it was dead, and in the hallway outside my apartment, but it was fucking huge. Terrifyingly huge. I threw it in the garbage. Away from me. And sprayed again.

So much for false bravado about roaches. They're evil. They're scary. Let's all admit that, and move on with our lives.

Watching more Dexter. This is a seriously damaged show. Wonderful, funny, sad, all the adjectives I use when I like something, but still, totally damaged. Just like the titular character. Beautifully shot, I should add. Few television shows are done in such an artistic way. Most just frame things, shoot them, and that's it. But this - this show allows for the full potential of the medium. I've always said TV doesn't have to look like shit - it just normally does. Then again, most shows don't have gallons of blood to play around with. That certainly adds a colorful touch.

Had a lovely night. Went over to the dynamic duos' place (Kay and Esse, the ass-kickers of... stuff that needs its ass kicked), and Kay taught me how to make pasta. Well, more specifically, pasta sauce. Even I can make pasta. But I was happy that it turned out decently. Meaning it tasted OK, and it didn't kill anyone. The pasta stuck together, but that couldn't be helped.

And their apartment is enormous. Which has nothing to do with pasta, or cooking, but warrants mentioning, because I get to go hang out over there whenever they let me.

Can I just say that I absolutely adore that Dexter uses the name Patrick Bateman. Brilliant. That's from American Psycho, for those of you whom I now hate. Whom or who? Which is right? And why should it matter to me?

I'm rereading the Harry Potter series. Well, the four I read. I need to read the last three, so I can lust creepily over Snape, the only interesting aspect of the series. At least the books I read. I'm also reading Darkly Dreaming Dexter, because that's what I do when I like something.

That's all for now. May the roaches not come to my apartment. The rest of you are on your own.
- LV


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