Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Heroes Heroes Heroes - A New Fixation For The Girl Who Already Has Way Too Many [And Some Other Stuff Too]

Why the fuck am I still awake? This is obscene. I came home specifically to go to bed EARLY. I start my job next week. The stock of the evil corporation I'll be working for will sharply decline if people start finding drool on their books. Unless they like that, but that would be gross and disturbing.

Anyway. I know I'm late to the game [I always fall in love with TV shows after the fact, since I only recently got TV], but Heroes. Damn. I just cried like a baby. Granted, it's late and I'm a bit loopy, but that in no way detracts from the awesomeness of the show.

I do have one issue: there are so many fucking characters on this show that you can go a whole episode or two without seeing your favorite character. At all. Also, if you miss one episode, you are fucked for the rest of the series, which is probably why the network opted to show episodes on their website. I missed the season premiere, which is OK since I'm still finishing up season one. But seriously. I am a convert. I apologize for ever doubting the amazing glory of this show. Everyone else was right.

Oh, and WHAT THE FUCK? The DOCTOR is on on Heroes? Those of you who don't watch Doctor Who and therefore probably think I'm having some sort of episode, feel free to skip to the next paragraph. The rest of you, WHAT THE FUCK?! Christopher Eccleston, a man I have lusted after ever since fucking Shallow Grave, was on Heroes?! WHY was I not informed of this fact? And why do I feel like someone told me, I flipped out, then completely forgot? The DOCTOR was on AMERICAN TV? And, most importantly, WHERE DID HE GO? Will he be in Season Two? Nine is STILL the bestest Doctor ever, even though I like Ten very much. And all of them, actually. I'm digressing big time. And delving into levels of creepy fandom that alarm even me, so let's move on.

They filmed a scene from the new Sex & The City movie right by where I live. Which is pretty cool - or would be, if my former roommate hadn't watched that show so often that I can probably never watch an episode again.

It's so hot in New York. Global warming is fucking with my favorite season. Now it's personal. And now I don't care again.

Tyra Banks is insane. My least favorite girl was kicked off America's Next Top Model tonight [don't judge me - it's a guilty pleasure and I am fine with that], and I was a bit too maliciously gleeful. She was evil. At one point I screamed at the TV, "You took an elephant pill of Prozac rectally for breakfast!" She was aggressively perky.

Flashdance was as bad as I thought it would be. My dear friend Kay made me watch it for the first time tonight, and my eyes are still bleeding a bit. This film was brought to us by two of the most mysogynistic men in Hollywood. Did they spit on Jennifer Beals between scenes?

And finally, why the everloving fuck is Donald Trump being interviewed about potential presidential candidates? Not only is he an unmitigated ass with epically bad hair, but more importantly he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. Which is fine. Nobody does, and celebrities talk about politics all the time without annoying me too much. But this was on CNN for fuck's sake. It was a whole segment. That's a little, um, EXCESSIVE, don't you think? And for some reason everyone acts like he has a fucking clue. Like we should REGARD his opinion, because he's such a freaking intellectual. If he wants to spout is pretentious idiocy, that's totally fine. But don't treat him like his opinions have any more validity than the homeless crackhead who steals my garbage.

A man dressed up in a waffle outfit is on my TV. I think it's time to go to bed.
- LV

Edit: I was just shutting down my computer when I realized I have something like 87 pictures of Hunter S. Thompson on my computer. That's weird. But if it's wrong to have dozens of pictures of a crazed dead journalist who was older than your father when he died, then I don't want to be right.


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