Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Call

Why am I awake at this ungodly, and some would say imaginary, hour? You read right, kids - I got The Call. Today will be my first day substituting. At my brother's school, no less, which will not please him. I have very mixed feelings about all this.

* Money is good. I will get money for working.
* I have been suffering from a bought of insomnia, and didn't get to bed until around 2:00 A.M. My alarm went off around 5:45 A.M. I've been awake ever since.
* I think substitute teaching will be fun.
* I won't be able to smoke all day, and might try to smoke the kids.
* It's the special reading class, and if I can do anything it's read.
* My bed is very warm and snuggly, and the outside world fails to be so.
* I actually have something to do today!

There's more, but I can't type right now. Will report from the front, if I make it out of grade school alive.
- LV


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