Friday, December 19, 2008

I Scream For Snow!

Huzzah for a full day off from EVERYTHING. The snow effectively cancelled school, trapped me in the home with books, and I drank tea and read and did NOTHING of consequence. NOTHING. It was AWESOME.

I'm reading about five books at once. I don't quite know how this happened. I'd list them all, but at the moment they escape me.

American Pastoral is located in an imaginary town very close to my real town. Which is cool, and unsettling, because my town is so freakishly small that even knowing about the larger nearby towns makes me feel violated. STAY OUT OF NEW JERSEY, Philip Roth! The book itself is quite good - it took a long time to get into it (nearly seventy pages), but now I'm sucked in.

I'm also reading Interesting Times. Rincewind has always been my second favorite Discworld character, but I've never felt his books have lived up to the fun of his character. Even when he had great lines, the story itself was never up to par (see Sourcery, even though it had some good bits). With Interesting Times, I finally feel like the story is worthy of the character. Both are perfect. Also, on a personal level, I had a running joke in high school where I would say, "I'm sorry, I got excited, I thought I saw a potato" (please, please don't ask), so the potato joke filled me with a starchy sort of glee.

I need to wrap presents, and drink more tea. Tea and books are great. So is snow, even if I do freeze my ass off every time I step outside for a cigarette.

Finally, I used all my charm and feminine wiles to get some pizza dough tonight. Interpret that as you will.
- ElleVee


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