Wednesday, December 10, 2008

There Is No Trouble So Great Or Grave That Cannot Be Much Diminished By A Nice Cup Of Tea

I like that quote. I have no idea who said it, but I bet they made kick-ass tea.

Things That Are Contributing To My Shitty Mood
* LibraryThing is down, rendering the entirety of the internet USELESS.
* House last night was both one of the funniest ever, and inarguably the corniest ever. Although I laughed and clapped at the Sherlock Holmes reference.
* I didn't have work today, which in a short period of time I've come to rely on to sort of shape my days.
* Hormones. They suck. I like in Terry Pratchett's world, when you die your hormones no longer cloud your thinking. It's a winder the suicide rate in Discworld isn't much higher.
* It's raining, which normally makes me happy as a pig in shit, but today is just making me even sadder, probably because I had to stand in it for a full ten minutes while my mother rummaged for her keys, soaking me through and making my hair look like a sad, dead rat.
* I went shopping, which can also make me happy as pig in ecstasy-laced shit, but only when I have money. Which I don't, currently.
* While shopping, I was gushing over an amazing dress in Zara's, debating if I should ask for it for Christmas, when my mother kindly answered, "Why would you buy that? It's not like you have anywhere to wear it to." Thanks, Mom.
* My phone has once again lost its mind on a profoundly deep level (I can't access my address book, can only text sometimes, and the phone has been calling itself. I didn't know these problems EXISTED), and I don't have any money to replace it, and my warranty has run out.
* I'm cold.
* I wanted to buy the Rosetta Stone program to learn Italian, due to my recent reading material, and the program is $500. That is a shitload of money. Which I do not have.

The above list is embarrassingly shallow, but I am indeed in a foul mood, and just very sad. I need a hug. From Hugh Laurie.

I finished Heat last night, which I loved. I learned quite a bit about history, and Italian food, and how to say 'dick' in Italian, which due to my personality is the ONLY word I remember from the whole freaking book. Now I'm desperate to go back to Italy and become a teacher in some poor mountain town, and start a torrid affair with the local butcher, who is gifted with meat but secretly longs to be an artist, and I'll inspire him and he'll feed me and I'll write my memoirs and they will be made into a movie with Angelina Jolie playing the part of me, and my surly Italian paramour can be played by Javier Bardem, who is not Italian but is so horrifyingly sexy that I'll let it slide, and anyway it's a movie people.

I'm going to lie down. It might be best for everyone.
- LV


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