Thursday, December 11, 2008

What The Effing Eff Is Wrong With My Computer?

The mouse WORKS, but only on SOME webpages, and I can't access my Gmail (or rather, I can, but I cannot CLICK on any of the E-Mails, so I get a tantalizing hint of the subject matter in the first line, and THAT'S IT. Even LibraryThing is mocking me! And even this Blogger window is all weird, which is why I have no links. Did the internet just brain-snap? Because I feel like we should have a contingency plan for that sort of thing. I can't comment on LT, for Christ's sake! This is akin to a national emergency!

Edit: OK, It appears LT is working for the moment. And Gmail. So you can all stop panicking. You need to remain CALM in a crisis, like me.

Edit, Again: And it's not working again. My patience is NOT epically long.

Edit, Redux: It's working. I am emotionally shattered for the day.

I'm awake because I have work today (kindergarten aid). I'm glad for a number of reasons (and since I love lists, here's another!).
* I get money. Say what you will, having money is far more pleasant than not having money. Also I don't have to borrow cash from my ten year old brother at fifteen percent interest just to buy a goddamn cup of coffee.
* I don't have to been until 11, and while that means I admittedly get LESS money, I still get money, and anyway I LIKE sleeping, and may start a political party around the four-hour workday. I think such things.
* I'm an aid, not the sole teacher (I hope), which is a huge relief because frankly the last class I had slammed me on my ass. That rhymed.
* Since I'm working, I don't have to go to my class tonight! Huzzah! I knew the local educational system wouldn't let me down!

I finished The Crimson Petal and the White last night. Whenever I finish a big, hefty book, I feel like strangers should applaud me, or at least be impressed. The usual reaction when I gush about finishing a Big Book, however, is a blank stare and either a hesitant smile or the slow reach for the pepper spray.

I need a planner. It's nice to need a planner, but I'm a little bit insane about them. They need to have a full page for each day, have a plain cover (no cats or puppies, because while those things are adorable, they have no place on a planner), and look solid, like they won't compulsively explode in my bag for no reason (this has happened to me, and the cover had hearts on it, so I rest my case). I may go today after work to get one, but Borders' selection is paltry at best, and I don't really know where to get a nice one that isn't over thirty dollars. Life is SO HARD, or maybe I am that lazy.

Gmail can go fuck right off, because it's not working and I hate it.

What else? I felt like I had a lot of interesting and intelligent things to say, but that must have been my sleep-filled brain. Go read The Crimson Petal and the White, because it's very interesting and really long, and I want someone to discuss it with.

I had a dream last night, and I was wearing that dress I saw at Zara's, once again PROVING that I should have BOUGHT it, because Dream-Elle looked very good in it, if I do say so myself.
- LV


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