Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm Not Sure How I Feel About This

So, apparently my late husband Hunter S. Thompson's real-life widow Anita is considering using his sperm to have a baby.

For those of you living under a rock, the Good Doctor died three years ago. He also has a son who has a son. So this kid would be born to a dead father, a half-brother, and a nephew several years older than him.

I'm refraining from commenting, because all jokes about me being Hunter Thompson's spirit widow aside, the situation weirds me out in a big way. And yet, at the same time, I kind of think he'd find the whole thing funny. No, I mustn't get involved. that way lies madness.

In other news, my phone is a piece of SHIT. WHY can I not MAKE OUTGOING CALLS?!

In still other news, I now own 900 books, and am checking myself into a Promises-style rehab program as soon as one exists for book junkies.
- LV


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