Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Life Lessons

My phone is in the shop. I miss it. I feel naked without. I keep feeling like I've lost it, and desperately searching around for it, only to remember it's at the phone hospital. Then I stand there like an ass.

It's snowing a lot. I love the snow. I'm a lunch aid tomorrow, which amounts to just three hours of work, but I honestly don't mind the reduced pay for a day (especially since Thursday I have a kindergarten class for a whole day) since I'm a bit under the weather. Plus, I've worked every day this week (I know it's Tuesday, but after a near-year without a daily job, working three and a half guaranteed days seems like a lot), and with the weather being what it is, I'll most likely work on Friday as well. Bad weather means good times for the substitutes of the world.

I got my Early Review book from LibraryThing. It's Three Minutes On Love by Roccie Hill. Despite the awful title, so far the book is surprisingly good. It's also a nice contrast to Soul Music, which also deals with rock music (or Music With Rocks In).

Anyone else think Robert Downey, Jr. got shafted by the Golden Globes for Iron Man? And don't lay that Tropic Thunder shit on me - Tom Cruise got a goddamn nomination for it to. It was a really fun movie, but that's hardly the point, is it?

It's cold. And I miss my phone. I'll get it back tomorrow, fingers crossed. But huzzah for sleeping in! And huzzah for snow!
- LV

Edit: How the HELL did I get 91 hits yesterday? Where did all these people come from? WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?! Or was that just me reformatting? Hmmm....


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