Monday, December 15, 2008

Education Is Good

Kindergartners are awesome. Like, totally amazing. They operate on a wholly different level from any other child. And they're exhausting, and violent, and loud, and hyper. But great. I really enjoy teaching them, and they're small and cute and funny, and I can actually help them with their math.

My phone has been possessed. I can now receive text messages, and send them, but regular phone calls keep going directly to voice mail. No matter WHAT I do. I'm hoping that when I get paid I can take it in and get it fixed. That would make me deliriously happy. To, you know, be able to actually talk to my friends. Beyond text messages. Even though I love texting, and prefer it to most modern communication.

I did my holiday shopping today. And got it ALL done. And didn't even buy myself anything in Borders, which may be an historic event worthy of news reports and a witty aside by Stephen Colbert. I'm just saying.

The only downside to teaching is that at the end of the day, I'm ready for bed. I'm utterly wiped out. You're running around and have to be peppy and excited and happy and deal with a thousand and one crises, and you're not allowed to curse because the kids' heads will EXPLODE so I say 'Gosh' a lot, and you need to remember which kids will DIE if they eat peanuts and which kids need reading assistance and which kids communicate by throwing BLOCKS OF WOOD at each others' heads and... it's a lot.

But it's also the best job I've ever had.
- LV


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