Monday, February 8, 2010

David Attended Public Schools, So He Confuses Hitler With Anne Frank.

* Well, I can- yeah, that's just awful. Title is from Mr. Show With Bob & David.

* These comic covers freak me out. I do not like these. Why does Mickey look like he took some bad acid?

[Found at Boing Boing]

* Holy deep fried beefy ricey goodness!

[Found at This Is Why You're Fat]
Meat on a stick! Well, to be accurate, they're rice cakes wrapped in hamburger patty and pan fried. ON STICKS. Serve these at your next party, and then don't share any with your friends. That'll show them. They know what they did.

Life Lessons
* 'Wow that rain sure is wet, isn't it?'

[Found at Indexed]

Words of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Epic Fails
Companies: Check your spelling before you go to press, OK?

Doctor Who
* Remember when I posted the Doctor Who credits done like Firefly, and our collective minds shattered under the force of the awesome?
They did them Angel-style too:

* Guys, this just happened, for real: I just found, right this second, Torchwood credits done Angel style:

Angel's theme song may be my favorite of any Joss Whedon show. And I know there's a lot of debate between fans as to the similarities and differences of these two television creators, but as far as I'm concerned, THEY KILL WHAT I LOVE, and that's as far as the debate goes for me.

Daily Hot Guy(s)

[Zachary Quinto, AKA Sylar from Heroes, and Zachary Levi, AKA Chuck from Chuck. I have no idea what's going on in this picture, but CAN YOU FEEL THE BROMANCE? A TALE OF TWO ZACHARYS? Maybe there will be a Chuck/Heroes crossover, and Adam Baldwin will beat the everloving shit out of Peter Petrelli (Yes, I admit he's very attractive, but I still want him to get beat up on the show). This picture was sent to me by Laroux74, who is simply awesome beyond words.]

Daily Icon

[Exene Cervenka, lead singer of X (alongside John Doe), one of my favorite bands of ALL TIME. She also sang with The Knitters, and is one of the punk icons. Sadly, she has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, but in true Exene Cervenka style, she's not letting it get her down. X has ben supporting Sweet Charity for ages, and you should too.]

* It's worse when they have no idea who he is, besides, 'a revolutionary':
see more deMotivational Posters

People I Love
* I got a reward for blogging for a month straight!

SOAK IN THE GLORY, BITCHES. My friends are cooler than your friends. Unless you ARE my friend... then... never mind. Made by the truly epic Danielle, whose website you should visit as soon as you're done here.

I'm going to England this Friday, for a week, so I probably won't blog until I get back. JUST LETTING YOU ALL KNOW.

I may be slightly panic-stricken about flying. I hate flying. DAMMIT, SCIENCE, CAN WE GET TELEPORTERS BEFORE FRIDAY? PLEASE?
- LV


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