Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We're Lost In The Middle Of The Desert! Give Him A Dollar!

* Title is from Bone.

Since I am still jetlagged as FUCK, we're going to have a short blog entry. Be grateful. Yesterday I put salt in my coffee, and drank it all before I realized.

Today on FEAR AND LOATHING, we're looking at what my friends are doing on the interwebz these days.

* Ryn has dreams that make my dreams look like shameful home videos, and hers are like super-expensive huge spectacles of win. I would like to buy tickets to her head. Did that sound as weird to you as it did to me? Also the title of her blog makes me laugh every single time.

* You have no idea how jealous I am of Ladylike Punk's knitting skills. I am so jealous. It almost hurts. PLUS she is British and cool and fantastic, and I hope that one day I can pet-sit for her doggies.

Look at this hat she made!


* I've always said Miss Banshee is a brilliant, talented, and truly gifted writer. This article on disability and mental illness makes that sound like faint praise indeed. It's inarguably one of the most touching pieces I've read on the subject. It's hard to believe someone can be so kind, beautiful, talented, funny, and profound, and speak so frankly about such subjects with a humor that shines through in even the darkest moments. She's one of my true heroes, and you wish she was your friend.

* I love buying Spazzy Amber's yarn. It looks stunning, smells glorious, and is soft and like cotton candy and clouds mixed with fairy sparkles. LOOK:

When I am rich and famous (or at least rich), I am going to have her be one of my personal yarn-makers. She's already agreed. Now I just need to inherit.

EVERYTHING ELSE IS INVALID. Except I met her and Metalouise and ThatRevChap, AND THAT MAKES THIS EVEN MORE EPIC. Somehow. I don't know. Did you know they have CARPETS in PUBS in England? I did not.


More will be coming, if I ever get over this goddamn jet-lag, which is destroying my brain and woke me up FREAKY EARLY.
- LV


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