Monday, February 16, 2009

The Apocalypse Is Itchy

It is hard to find time to sit down and write a blog entry, particularly when the world is EXPLODING all around us, crisis looms at every turn, and my bedroom has been infested with invisible bugs that bite me in my sleep, and I Am ITCHY.

* I really like the book Nixonland, but I feel like I've been reading it for MONTHS. Nixon and Kissinger were BATSHIT insane, incidentally.

* So two nuclear submarines HIT each other, and we're all OK with this?! I want PANIC and hysteria. I mean, how the HELL does this happen? The ocean is big. Were they playing chicken? Because at least that I could understand.

* Being a gym teacher substitute is the most pointless, boring job in the history of the universe. I'm not complaining - a job is a job, particularly now - but NOT what I would call a brainstretcher.

* I'm annoyed I missed the first episode of Dollhouse, because I support Joss Whedon no matter WHAT (I watched EVERY goddamn episode of Firefly, AND saw the movie opening weekend, so BITE ME), but I'm not that disappointed, because the commercials confused me.

* Speaking of Whedon-related goodness, I want to watch THe Castle tonight, because Nathon Fillion rocks a lot. I wish I had a more intellectual reason behind my interest, but I won't sully myself by lying.

* It's a holiday, right? But I still have to go to work. Which is cool, because I like work, and I enjoy it more than I probably should, and if I stay home I'll just be stuck studying and thinking up bullshit reasons for not answering my E-Mails (today's excuse: LEECHES) (also weird, because I LOVE the people who have written me E-Mails, and I want to talk to them pretty much every day, and want them HERE right NOW to add amusement to my dull little life, but for some reason the writing of an E-Mail overwhelms my smallish brain. Hm.) but still, who doesn't like a holiday?

* I know it's a little late, but can we retroactively announce George McGovern as President? Not the current President - I still like Obama, thank you very much - but the President Past. He's a COOL DUDE, GOD DAMN IT. Hunter Thompson liked him (and, according to reports, drinking his booze and screaming obscenities, but those are the endearing facts we all love about the Good Doctor).

* I need to go do stuff, and then go to work. Blah blah blah.
- LV

PS The Revolution will probably be televised, but the real question is, Will Anyone Be Watching?!


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