Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dick Cheney Is Plotting

I have now heard Mr. Cheney's bullshit gloom and doom speech five times today. No kidding. This is the verbal equivalent of peeing on Obama's front step, then running away giggling like a sadistic schoolboy.

Pause in blogging to walk annoying dog.

Back and refreshed. Had my first day of working my second job - editing letters, making phone calls, doing random jobs, and sending out mail for a magazine. It's pretty simple stuff, but I enjoy it. It's actually a lot of fun. And I get to use a typewriter, which filled me with euphoric glee that I fear my employers assumed was false.

Working on another magazine bowl.

I'm going to live blog the Oscars, even though I doubt I'll get to see them all by Sunday.

That's all. My Gmail is still not working, and I'm officially pissed off. The Google Entity is cruel.
- LV


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