Sunday, February 8, 2009

Media Notes

* I am sick of hearing about the stimulus package. I no longer want to be informed on the debates, issues, whatever. Either pass the damn thing or reject it. NEXT. TOPIC.

* Haha, Stephen King said Stephenie Meyer sucks at writing. Go listen to Coldplay and Muse and cry into a bucket of lard and write about sparkly, controlling, chauvinistic vampires and their whiny, submissive, utterly boring girlfriends now, you talentless hack. I feel I can say such things, since Ms. Meyer has more money now than I ever will, and doesn't give a shit what I think, and also, you know, she sucks.

* Coraline was a surprisingly good movie, although not as creepy as the book. The song from the trailer is stuck in my head, and I post it here because it is wonderful and may get stuck in your head too, and we can start a support group.

I still want to name my imaginary daughter Coraline. It's a GOOD NAME.

* My reading suffered recently, because it felt like a job, and reading should never EVER feel like a job, or a punishment, or anything but a sincere and hallowed pleasure. So I'm taking a break from reviews, and slogging through my scary TBR pile, and instead am reading whatever I want from the library of the school where I sub, and also the local library which has quite a good selection. So expect a number of children's books on my list.

* On the subject of books, Redwall wasn't as good the second time around, but I finally GET The Hobbit (which, truth be told, I have never been able to finish before). Dominic was just as good as I remember. There's something comforting about rereading the books you loved as a kid, especially when you only have vague rosy memories.

* Have you ever tried to call Google? No? Don't. It's akin to trying to have a sane conversation with HAL 2000. Terrifying.

* I burned myself very badly on the thumb with a hot glue gun (and yes that almost rhymes, but I'm not trying to be clever because it freaking HURTS), so typing is rather more difficult than it normally is, which doesn't bode well for tomorrow, as I'll spend most of the day.... typing.

* Say what you want, I still think Nancy Pelosi is the most bipartisan person alive, because she hates everyone equally, regardless of party affiliation.
- LV


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