Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Morning Blearghs

* There's not much going on in the Wonderful World Of The Interweb this morning.

* I'm slammed from this weekend. LSATs are stressful. And getting lost on campus and being hideously late for your Diagnostic Test does not make your score go up, surprisingly.

* Now I want to watch The Dark Knight again.

* James Franco and Seth Rogen's skit was fucking hysterical. They and Hugh Jackman should join forces and save the entertainment industry. They could do it.

* I really like Nicole Richie and Joel Madden together. Partly because I knew Joel Madden (casually) back in the day, and he was always a nice, chill guy. So yay for spawning again, and may you give your second kid an equally not-freakish name.

* I have almost nothing to say this morning. Tired. Have work, then library for LSAT studying, then sleep at some point, maybe, if I'm lucky. I am not looking forward to the next few months. There will be much work, and little play. I will emerge from my Cave Of Knowledge only to see Watchmen on opening day, and if I'm not arrested for trying to CLIMB INTO the movie screen, I will immediately return to my Fortress Of Knowletude. This means I will either be blogging/Twittering constantly to avoid working, or I'll be working a lot and not blogging. We'll see how it goes.

* In retrospect, I seriously want Amy Adam's dress. I would wear it to work. IT WOULD BE AN INVESTMENT.

* The problem with the Oscars is that I want to go shopping. High-end shopping, the kind where you're served booze while similar-sized servants put on dresses so you can see how you would look in them, and you lounge on a silk couch and are fed diamond grapes by David Tennant, and Tim Gunn displays an endless array of makeup and jewelry JUST FOR YOU. It's good that no such place exists, because I don't have money for NORMAL shopping sprees. And law school costs money.

* I need a car.

* I'd like Watchmen to come out now, please. The world NEEDS IT. Or at least the soundtrack, so I have something to listen to while I drive from work to school to the library. WHERE'S THE FUN?! DO YOU SEE IT?!

* MSNBC just showed a picture of President Obama purposefully striding through a grassy field, and my immediate thought was, "Where is this field, and who authorized this photo op?" What does this say about me?

* My brother may be the world's smallest natural disaster.

* Team Rorschach!
- LV


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