Friday, February 27, 2009

If I'm The Only Sane One Left, We Are All Screwed

Troublesome Things That Are Upsetting/Irritating Me Right Now

* The first review of Watchmen was bad. But the guy who wrote it is clearly insane, and an idiot, and HATES all wonderful things.
The thing is, these aren't so much superheroes as ordinary human beings with, let us say, comic-book martial arts prowess.

This is akin to saying, "I don't like Rent because of all the singing," or "The Godfather had too many Italian people."

And, as my little brother pointed out, neither Batman nor Iron Man had any real super powers, aside from technical know-how and an assload of money, which is a super power in this day and age.

So blow me, Hollywood Reporter. EVERYTHING you say is a LIE.

* There is actually a movie out there called Ace Ventura, Jr.: Pet Detective. Apparently the complex plot involves a fat kid in a hideous shirt screaming "Alrighty then" at an assortment of terrified, sedated animals.

* There is a New American Tea Party. Its major goals are worshipping at the holy altar of Rick Santelli, and conspicuously ignoring the history of the ACTUAL Tea Party.

* I am still sick, which is no one's fault, but for the purposes of this entry I have decided to blame it entirely on Bobby Jindal.

* I once again am having GMail problems, but I got on long enough before it EXPLODED to see that I haven't really answered ANY EMail since.... um.... 2008. So I'm a bad person.

* I am deeply in love with Twitter, and apologize for ever doubting its wonder. It may ruin my life.

* Burn Notice kicks fucking ass, and Bruce Campbell is in fact God. This is bad only in the sense that it's not on EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY.

* Lost In A Good Book was much better than The Eyre Affair. Did I ever tell you about the time I met Jasper Fforde? I had no idea who he was, and had never read any of his books. But he was so nice I felt kind of guilty about it, and went out and bought one to assuage my guilt.

* OK, studying before work. Then more studying. If I don't get a decent score on the LSATS, I will WRECK this place with my anger.
- LV


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