Thursday, September 4, 2008

If I Die From Chicken, I Will Be Very Embarrassed

I think my tandoori chicken was undercooked. I ate two pieces before I noticed that it was a little less... finished than I would have liked. I really don't want to die from chicken. It's one of the most humiliating deaths I can imagine. The mango chutney was delicious, however, and as far as I know the innocent mango has never taken a human life, except in self-defense.

In other news, I'm waiting for my parents to get home while the dog shrieks and looks at me with wide, pathetic eyes, asking silently for something which he could not put into words even if he was capable of speech. Then he starts nipping me and trying to love my leg, even though he's been 'altered,' and all my sympathy goes right out the window.

At the moment he's pushing the computer away from me with his paws. It would be cute if I wasn't typing.

OK, I can take a hint. Time for a walk.

But first, and the real reason I posted this [not my chicken paranoia] is because I am on page 528 of my book, and hope to be finished sometime tomorrow. I think that's pretty damn awesome.

- LV


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