Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Quick Update, In Which I Say Stuff That's Not That Interesting To Anyone But Me

Well, I finally got a haircut [loyal blog-readers know I vowed not to cut my hair until I had finished my novel]. My hair was totally inspired by Selma Blair's in Hellboy II: The Golden Army. I even brought in pictures to show the girl what I wanted. And at the risk of sounding like an awful egomaniac, I think it looks really great. I love my hair. I keep hugging it.

Here's a picture [of Selma Blair, although I may post a picture of myself once I take one] of my hair inspiration.

Back to less visual, hair-related information:
* I'm researching an article for my kick-ass friend Kay Jay's magazine, which is coming along nicely [the research bit; haven't started the actual writing yet]
* I'm typing up my novel/working on a second draft. The joke title is in serious danger of becoming the real title, simply because I can't think of anything better.
* I'm also working on ideas for another magazine, but I have to pitch them in a way that doesn't make me sound like a moron.
* I'm looking at grad school classes at NYU.
* I'm signing up to become a substitute teacher. Make whatever jokes you will - I think I'll actually be really good at it.
* Dunkin Donuts is totally better than Starbucks. I'm just saying.

That's really it. I love being busy. Look! I'm a productive member of society! Huzzah!
- LV

PS I love Sarah Palin. Because she is absolutely fucking batshit insane, and may in fact be Satan in the flesh, with a FARGO-accent and a gun fetish that lends itself to too many obvious jokes, and goes against everything I believe in and hold dear, and yet people still seem to love her. She may be the craziest person in politics today. And as I keep telling people, if she and John "I Have Strong Moral Values But Really Only Want A Nap And Possibly A Diaper Change" McCain win the election, we will get exactly the type of leaders we deserve.

/End Political Rant


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