Monday, March 2, 2009

The Things We Forget

* We have at least half a foot of snow outside, and it's still going strong. In theory, I'm supposed to go to work. Work isn't far from home, but the snow is heavy enough that getting up my steep driveway, down my steep hill, along a few roads, and then down my boss' incredibly long, winding, uneven driveway does not bode well.

* I have spent a humiliating amount of time trying to find the name of a Bruce Coville short story about snow that never stops. I suspect it's something like "Winter" or "Snow Day," and that I am just an idiot.

EDIT: Turns out the short story was called "Snow." I couldn't remember the title, yet I remember one of the LINES from the story: "The sky darkened. It began to snow."

* WHY does my local library have no copies of The Audacity Of Hope but MULTIPLE copies of John McCain's book? Do I sense a conspiracy afoot?

* THE WATCHMEN COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN. I NEED TO BUY MY TICKETS. I will listen to no negativity. This will be the best movie ever in the history of the universe, and will cure cancer and fix the economy, and David Tennant or Russell Brand will marry me during the credits. Or something. LET ME BE EXCITED.

* I'll update later, after coffee.
- LV


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