Monday, December 3, 2007

Reports Of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated

Yes, I am alive and... well, alive.

Lots of stuff to report, but I'm not sure I want to go into any of it. Most of it is either tragic or depressing or dull. And nobody wants that, do we? So a few random notes.

* Mitch Huckabee running for the Presidential Nomination. I keep thinking, "I Heart Huckabee" and giggling like an ass. He should use that as his slogan. I wouldn't vote for him, but I'd still find it funny.

* SWEENEY TODD! Oh. My. God. You've got Johnny Depp, Alan Rickman, Sacha Baron Cohen, and Helena Bonham Carter. You've got Tim Burton. You've got SINGING. Well, that's actually kind of worrisome. But I trust these people, and I'm going to see it, and I'm going to love it no matter how bad it may be. I have decided I love this movie. Deal with it.

* WATCHMEN stills look orgasmic. I want to cuddle them. WHY is it going to be another year until I get to see this movie? Yes, I'm worried it will be vile and destroy my tenuous faith in the film industry, plunging me into a deep well of despair and endless whining. But if it's good, it's going to be really, really good. Epic goodness could be around the corner.

* HARRY POTTER: So obsessed. Ashamed of my obsession, but loving every humiliating minute. December 11th is when ORDER OF THE PHOENIX comes out, the only one I have yet to see. Yes, I'm going to buy it. Love it all so much. And I was so defiantly proud of NOT being one of those people. I have eaten my words several times over, and made my apologies to the appropriate sources.

* ENCHANTED was really, really good. I went to see it solely to have something to mock, and I left with a big idiotic grin of pure enjoyment on my usually vacant face. It was just so much fun. I want Amy Adams to be my best friend forever. I didn't even hate the dude from GREY'S ANATOMY.

* Going to dinner tonight with AMY GOODMAN of DEMOCRACY NOW. Long story how this happened, and I don't feel like telling it. Should be interesting.

* Netflix is my soulmate.

May I update more regularly, and may life start to make more sense than it has these past few weeks. And may all the movies I want to see be glorious goodness, and all the people I don't like get really itchy dry skin.
- LV


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