Friday, January 25, 2008

Doctor Who Is AMAZING!

OK, I got squealing fangirl joy when there was a DOCTOR WHO episode where he talked about HARRY POTTER. I was delighted beyond comprehension. Because I am simple.

And the episode 42 traumatized me enormously. The Doctor is ALWAYS in danger, because otherwise he wouldn't be the Doctor. But in that episode, he's scared. Not for others, or the universe, or some grand notion. He's in pain, and he's so scared, and it's just awful. His terror is so visceral that it frightens me. DAVID TENNANT really is a great doctor. I concede, he is on equal footing with Nine. Although Nine has nicer eyes and a better accent. But Ten has risen ridiculously high in my esteem.

Also, watched the Children In Need special with PETER DAVISON, and it was incredible. I wanted it to be longer. And Davison was Tennant's favorite Doctor, and he wrote that whole little speech on why he was amazing, and how he was 'his' Doctor. 

In conclusion, I love DOCTOR WHO. And I want to move to England solely so I can watch it when it's actually on.

I've been watching TORCHWOOD as well, but I'm not sold on it yet. I mean, Captain Jack rocks out, but I haven't fallen in love yet. Although the Doctor references make me smile, but it hasn't gotten to me yet, you know? We'll see. I haven't finished season one yet, so I can't make an informed decision.

Heath Ledger's death continues to be big news. I want to know what happened, but I want everyone to leave him alone. Does that make sense? 

Lot of hits on the site lately, but no one seems to be commenting. Speak to me, people! Argue with me, agree with me, bow before my pop culture genius! Or... don't. Your call.

One last thing: Season 3 of DOCTOR WHO seems to be almost entirely about torturing the Doctor. He gets the everloving SHIT kicked out of him. It's very upsetting for those of us who love him so dearly.
- LV

PS The Doctor as a Profesor? OMFG that is HOT. If he were my teacher... I'm going to stop now. For all our sakes.


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