Monday, January 14, 2008

Pop Quiz, Hot Shots

Hello, total strangers! I have a question that I can't seem to answer, and maybe you can. So, let's give it a shot, shall we?

What should I do with the rest of my life?

I can't decide, and it's becoming a rather serious problem, seeing as I lack money, and skills.

I also keep changing my mind, which is both irritating and sad - a dangerous combination.

Sometimes I want to be a journalist, because I worship Hunter S. Thompson. Only thing is, I kind of doubt I have the personality for it.

Sometimes I want to be a filmmaker, or a screenwriter, or a producer. Then I remember I'm not very good at any of those things. And, despite what everyone likes to say, I am NOT a good writer. I am funny on occasion, and good at silly, glib sayings. That is it. I am not profound or deep. And ALL my ideas are total rip-offs of other, better ideas. Not subtle ones, either. As in, 'let's change the main character's names and create a character that's just like me, only better.'

What I would be ideal at is writing scripts for TV shows that are already in production. But that doesn't seem very likely.

Sometimes I consider Forensic Psychology, because I like both psychology and serial killers. But I have no background, and kind of doubt that it would be like all the cool TV shows.

A lot of the time (most of the time) I want to get paid to analyze and discuss movies, and interview the people I admire. But I also think that's sort of lame. I'm torn between wanting to create, and knowing my creations are really shitty.

I even consider teacher, even though I don't like people that much, but that would be just a placeholder. Ditto lawyer.

So the real problem here, kiddos, is that I have both too many and not enough options. I'm creative, but not creative enough. I seriously spent over an hour looking for the E-Mail addresses of Joss Whedon, Tina Fey, Amy Sedaris, and Tim Burton, so I could offer my services as a coffee bitch. Anything.

I am only 22, but I'm already 22. And I have no life experience, terrible ideas, and no real career options. So! Unless you want me to continue whining endlessly, offer some advice/suggestions. Because right now I want to jump into a time machine (like the TARDIS) and hop into a universe where I know what the fuck to do.

Time is a factor here, people.

Oh, and thank you for the birthday wishes, to those who sent them. I'd update more, but as you can see I'm having issues, and not particularly entertaining at this juncture.
- LV

PS If Hugh Laurie wants to just marry me, and let me do his laundry and stare adoringly at him, that would be a totally fine life plan for me.


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