Thursday, January 17, 2008

Galaxy Quest Quotes

Funniest movie in years. Total goodness, with ALAN RICKMAN, SAM ROCKWELL, TONY SHALOUB, SIGOURNEY WEAVER, and... it's just really fucking funny and smart, and if you ever liked STAR TREK, you are legally obligated to see this movie.

"What IS this thing? There's no useful purpose for there to be a bunch of chompy, crushy things in the middle of a hallway!"
"Gwen —"
"No! I mean, we shouldn't have to do this! It makes no logical sense! Why is it here?!"
"Because it's on the television show."
"Well, forget it! I'm not doing it! This episode was BADLY WRITTEN!"

"It's a rock! It doesn't HAVE any vulnerable spots!"

"Guys, I was there. I was up there. Remember yesterday at the convention, those people dressed up like aliens? They WERE aliens! They were Termites, or-or Dalmatians... I can't really remember 'cause I was hung over. But what they built was extraordinary!"

"You broke the ship, you BROKE the bloody ship!"

"We have enjoyed preparing many of your esoteric dishes. Your Monte Cristo sandwich has become a favorite among the adventurous."

"Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!"

"How did I come to this?"
"Not again."
"I played Richard the Third!"
"Five curtain calls."
"There were five curtain calls. I was an ACTOR once, damn it! Now look at me. Look at me! I can't go out there, and I won't say that STUPID line one more time. I can't and I won't!"

"You WILL go out there!"
"I won't. And nothing you can say will make me."
"The show must go on."
"...Damn you. Damn you! I won't say that stupid line one more time!"

"Whoever wrote this episode should DIE!"

"I changed my mind, I wanna go back."
"After all the fuss you made about getting left behind?"
"Yeah, but that's when I thought I was the crewman that stays on the ship and something is up there and it kills me. But now I'm thinking I'm the guy that gets killed by some monster five minutes after we land on the planet."
"You're not going to die on the planet, Guy."
"I'm not? Then what's my last name?"
"It's, um... um, um... I don't know."
"Nobody knows. You know why? Because my character isn't important enough for a last name... because I'm gonna die five minutes in."
"Guy, you HAVE a last name."
"DO I?! DO I?! For all you know, I'm 'Crewman Number Six!' Mommy! MOMMY!"
"Are we there yet?"

"Wait! Don't open that! It's an alien planet! Is there AIR? You don't know!"

"Look at that. Look. They look like little children."
"Could they be the miners?"
"Sure. I mean, they're like three years old."
"You lost me."

"I don't like this. I don't like this at all."
"Oh, they are so cute!"
"Sure, they're cute NOW. But in a second they're gonna get mean, and they're gonna get ugly somehow, and there's gonna be a million more of them."

"Did you guys ever WATCH the show?"

"We'll need a signal. I'll cup my hands like this and go 'Caw! Caw!'"
"What are you, an infant?!"

Look around you. Can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?"

"What was that?"
"Uh, nothing."
"I heard some squealing or something."
"No, everything is fine."
"But the animal is inside out."
"I heard that! It got turned inside out?"
"And it exploded."
"Did I just hear that the animal turned inside out and then EXPLODED?"
"Um... hold, please."

"I'm just a glorified extra, Fred. I'm a dead man anyway. If I gotta die I'd rather go out a hero than a coward."
"Guy — Guy, maybe you're the plucky comedy relief. You ever think about that?"
"Besides. Haha! I just had this really interesting idea...Yeah let's go."
"Are you stoned?"

"Enemy is matching velocity."
"The enemy is matching velocity."
"We heard it the first time."
"Gosh, I'm doing it. I'm repeating the darn computer!"


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