Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quick! Jam A Potato In The Wound!

* In some cultures, that's considered a sign of affection. Title is from Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Well, it's the end of 2009. Usually I feel the urge to do some big retrospective, but you know what? I have a sinus infection that is destroying the humor center of my brain, and when I redid this blog, I lost all my lists, because backing up files is for LOSERS.

So enough of that. Instead, this blog entry is going to be about the amazing people I know, and thank them for being a friend of this blog, and of me, and generally being made of badassery.

Along with this blog, the following links should keep you happy and amused well into 2012 (unless the zombie apocalypse comes, but let's not dwell, shall we?).

The following are in nor order, because you cannot ORDER awesomeness. It is impossible. Believe me.

* First, a big thank you to Caro, who started World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley, introduced me to some fantastic people, and controls the internet from her secret lair. She does. Don't piss her off.

* Stina, besides being one of the best writers I know, is also funny, smart, and has ZERO tolerance for bullshit. And she makes statements like this:
I can’t stand smelly people. BATHE. You are in PUBLIC. Other people ARE FORCED TO SMELL YOU.
Her blog, Naps In The Library, has stories that are frightening, interesting, clever, funny, and violent. These are all superb things.

* One of the best parts of this year is the group of sickeningly talented artists I've met. Coaster is one of them, and she DREW ME A PREZZENT, which I will be keeping hidden until my birthday, when I will reveal the awesome. In the meantime, here is gender-bending awesome:

Silver Surfer and Girlactus by ~coasterchild on deviantART

* When I grow up, I want to be half as cool/talented/secksi as Millarca. Mermaid Left as Ligan is a fun blog that features knitting, DALEKS, Janis Joplin, nakedness, AND FLUFFY PINK HATS:


* Megan, one of the girls from World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley, keeps a blog (The Void Breathed Hard On My Heart, Turning Its Illusions To Ice, Shattering Them) that has David Tennant being SEX ON LEGS, and Alan Tudyk mocking Firefly, and Robert Downey, Jr., so maybe if we all harass her she'll blog more often. Plus she is the Keeper Of Actor Music. She knows what I mean.

* You wish you knew Miss Banshee. You totally do, because she is smart, funny as HELL, and could destroy you all with a cutting, well-timed insult in between blogging for Mama!Pop and ruling over her kitties with an iron fist. Head on over to Inverse Candlelight, and behold her powers.

* Dances With Elvis is almost disgustingly talented, and you can see her art linked from her blog, Something Wicked This Way Comes (which is also incredibly entertaining). Additionally she is wicked-clever, a science geek, and could probably kill us all if she was so inclined. Luckily, she won't be so inclined, as long as we keep the caffeine flowing. Go check out her art, and behold her skillz:

Great Wyrm Head by ~DanceswithElvis on deviantART
I want a pet dragon. And she designs it. That's the plan.

* I've known Laroux (The Madness of Princess Larissa) for years, since I was in high school. I can honestly say she's one of my best friends, and an amazing person, and also she knows the ins and outs of fangirling, and she is the Music Genius of the Universe. This is not an exaggeration. She knows everything about music, ever. Also she is incredibly kind, smart, and talented. Unless you fuck with her. Then she will destroy you, and everything you hold dear, probably with the help of the Winchesters and Petrellis.

* I haven't known Brooklynne very long, but luckily my abilities to discern badassery have sharpened to a fine point over the years, and anyway she has so much badassery that even dead people can notice it. You can buy her hand-dyed yarn over at Grrrl Shaped Yarns (I did, and I am squeeing with excitement until they come, at which point I will probably faint/die with happy. If that happens, bury me with the yarn). You can also read about her at her blog, My Mind's A Stage, which is essentially pages of epic win and knitting love.

* Julie doesn't have a blog, because she has no time for technology because she is making art like this:


* Spazzy Yarn, another person who manages to be unspeakably awesome AND make pretty things, makes gorgeous yarn, and I ordered some, and it came with LAVENDER, and I almost don't want to knit anything with the yarn because it is so freaking gorgeous. Seriously, I could just hug it and be happy. This is not weird at all. Her site is closed for now, but check back often so you can get some of this yarn, because really, ANGELS would snuggle this shit.

* Do you make music? You probably don't make music like Ge Oh, who is an audio engineer, a songwriter, an editor, a designer, a producer, a writer, AND a fantastic human being. Also he's a super hero, but I'm not supposed to know that.

* My good friend and fellow zombie-fighter Dark Raven Kiki made me this for Christmas:

Merry Christmas Elle by ~darkravenkiki on deviantART
DUDE. Do you need any other reason to check out her work? DO YOU? Because I don't. ALSO SHE INCLUDED MY ZOMBIELAND HAT.

A) The benevolent ruler of Iantoland
B) Possessor of some glorious tattoos
C) She wrote an intelligent, reasoned analysis of Children of the Earth (as opposed to my own screaming/crying/banging my head against the keyboard response, and NO I STILL HAVEN'T WATCHED IT AGAIN, I AM UNDER A LOT OF STRESS IN MY LIFE).
D) She is straight edge, which I have so much admiration and respect for.
E) She is a comic geek extraordinaire

* Crooked Fang is one of two vampires (Stina's being the first) on this list. He likes pie, blood margaritas, and loud music. If I put him on this list, maybe I will get to live, yes?

* Karma makes the videos that keep me up at night watching them, when I SHOULD be sleeping. Yes, that is my excuse for insomnia. Also she is a BAMF, and has no time for your bullshit.

* Every time I see this picture by Sullen Skrewt, I am made happy in a sick sort of way. Because the Joker is sick love, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise:

Joker abstract by *sullen-skrewt on deviantART
She also sent me a gorgeous Freddy picture for the holidays, because she is AWESOME SAUCE.

* Atchicory's blog, Odds and Ends makes me want to read more, which I would, if I had TIME. In 2010, I need more time. That's my demand. MAKE THIS HAPPEN. Anyway, she also likes Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, which is the main reason I hold out hope for Jhonen Vasquez.

* Lindragon as another artist who draws Rorschach, and this is Victorian Rorschach, and I need to go to my bunk now:

Victorian Rorschach by *Aiwe on deviantART

Meanwhile, I can't draw a damn STICK FIGURE. Luckily she's around to draw pretty pictures and I can stare at them, so everybody wins!

* Metalouise, high priestess of the coven of Knittiness, and also just a cool chick, makes socks like nobody's business, and is a bastion of wonderful. She needs to update her blog, Grammar Fetish, so I can see her brilliance more frequently.

* Are you listening to Fat Man After Dark's podcast and checking out his website? Why the fuck not? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Also he talks about sports, which I don't understand really (LIE. I understand baseball completely, I just don't know much about football) and he appreciates Classic Doctor Who.

* Escape Into Life is the only online arts journal you need to be reading. It's beautiful and comprehensive, and much more intelligent then my own art analysis, which is usually, 'pretty!'

* SilentKW's drawings are so intricate, most of the time they seem like photographs:

That Inglourious Basterd by =SilentKW on deviantART
Now she needs to draw me Ianto and Rorschach arguing over coffee. WHY DO I HAVE THESE THOUGHTS?

* Without a doubt, Irish's blog (Ticket To Anywhere) is the only book blog you need to read. She knows her SHIT. She also has magic powers that allow her to know about every book contest on the interwebz. I fear her.

* Adrian's photographs take my breath away:

Moments Like This by =DownedSystem on deviantART
And she offered the funniest commentary on The End Is Nigh video game ever.

* Theresa knows more about comics than I ever will (Redheads Do It In Elevator Shafts), and also is so so remarkably kind and sweet, and she knows the hidden underbelly of the internet, and SHE MADE ME A SCARF. So I win by proxy.

* Dan Faust is a BAMF, even if he sneers on the new Sherlock Holmes movie (but I may have had a spontaneous orgasm at the concept of Jeremy Irons as Holmes and David Thewlis as Watson, NOT THAT I ADMIT ANYTHING), and his blog (Faust's Fantastically Fantasmagoric Forum) is endlessly delightful. Also he draws ZOMBIE MONKEYS IN FEDORAS:

* Dear Erin: UPDATE YOUR BLOG. I love your drawings, and I want a Daily Doodle of Crow T. Robot, STAT. You are awesome. Also, we need to stop the violence against fireflies.
Love, LV

* Kaisha, you are made of badassery and win, (and she gave me caffeinated SOAP, which is like something sent down from heaven), and you liked my hat, so I am happy. So read her blog.

If I forgot you, I didn't mean it, and I suck. But how lucky am I to know such talented, glorious people?

It's been a hell of a year for FEAR AND LOATHING, with over 104,000 hits. That's pretty impressive, considering I write this by myself, before breakfast, while ingesting large quantities of coffee. Next year, let's aim for 200,000. I want to thank you all for your support, and I promise to blog every day of 2010 (with obvious holiday exceptions, or if I get hit by a bus).

I've got some big plans for the blog (maybe even my own website? DARE I DREAM?). And I thank you guys for your support, suggestions, and endless patience with my capslocks abuse.

2009 was a great and terrible year. Let's hope 2010 is made purely of win.

Wishing you the best (unless you suck, in which case I laugh at you and make snide comments about your shoes),
- LV

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Burberry Prorsum

Monday, December 28, 2009

Take a Chance with Chance

I recently discovered a new artist who specializes in musical producing and has recently started recording in debut album, Nice Guy. Chance uses a myriad of beats, melodies, vocals and poignant lyrics in his work. I have been awaiting the album release, and am currently loving his single 'Couldn't Find You Interlude'. It makes me wonder, what the next step he will take.

Clifton Blair, better known by his stage name, Chance, is an American hip hop artist and visionary. Born in Fort Washington, Maryland, Chance spent a good portion of his life converting his love for music into tangible sounds for people from all walks of life to enjoy. Chance's music is a product of experimentation, feeling and passion. He began by experimenting with Techno music; this period in his music career provided him with a unique sound that is still present in his music today. After his bit with Techno music, Chance eased into the rap scene and once more began to experiment with new sounds. It was during his dealings with rap music that Chance began to inject more of his personality into his music. The result was a new sound that is derived from Chance's unique world view. In wake of his mother's lost battle with breast cancer, Chance took a break from the music scene. Fortunately, he was able to create triumph amidst tragedy in the form of a refurbished return to music. Chance is a brand of music that refuses to be limited to the traditions or conventions of contemporary music. When Chance creates music, he creates a portrait of himself. Chance does not just create music, he spills his soul into his melodies and beats. Listen closely and his mind might just speak to you. is Chance's Official Website

Someone's Ear Is In Danger Of Having Hair Brushed Over It.

* Never has a tender endearment sounded so creepy. Title is from Zombieland.

* I am back, and I will be blogging again regularly. So rejoice, peons.

* Dan Faust, phantasmagorical man that he is, lists his top ten books of the year. I need to read them all, right now, because his list includes demons, super-powered teens, and motherfucking DEMIGODS.

* I am going to make these for Danceswithelvis, because A) she deserves them because she is epic win, and B) I want to make cupcakes with POLAR BEARS on them:

[Found at Bakerella]
Plus they've got soda in them, and you know how I feel about soda (hint: PURE LOVE).

* Reader Kuhlchikk sent me this link, which almost made me glad I bite my nails, because at least they are not DEFORMED:

Bubble nails? REALLY? Puffy nails? I forbid the existence of these things. They will NOT become popular in 2010. DO YOU HEAR ME?

* This is a pencil. Plated with pure gold:

[Found at LikeCool]

* Look, I am really trying to be nice to the Twilight people. It's a New Years' resolution, yeah? I am going to be mature, and make fun of them WITH the rest of the fandom universe. I'm growing as a human being.

But then I see shit like this, and how can I NOT comment?

[Found at Etsy]
A life-sized Edward Cullen sticker is watching you sleep. How is this not creepy? There is no one I want watching me sleep, especially by BREAKING INTO MY ROOM WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE AND THEN DICTATING HOW I LIVE MY LIFE BECAUSE AS A WOMAN I CAN'T MAKE DECISIONS FOR MYSELF, OR BUCKLE MY OWN SEATBELT.

Sorry, sorry. I'll go work on my New Years' Resolution, you go burn this giant scary sticker, OK?

Stark Trek
* Star Trek plus Pulp's "Common People" plus cartoony goodness plus Monday without work equals:

Well, the work bit may only apply to me, but still, STAR TREK AND PULP.

* I went to this:

You be hating, yes? I got to see the reindeer topiary from Edward Scissorhands, and Pierce Brosnan's head from Mars Attacks! And the knives from Sweeney Todd, and the costume from Edward Scissorhands, and the scarecrow from Sleepy Hollow and the models from A Nightmare Before Christmas, AND THE ANGORA SWEATER FROM ED WOOD, WHICH SHOULD HAVE WON ALL THE OSCARS EVER.

I'm OK now.

Daily Hot Guy

[And now I am REALLY OK. John Barrowman, AKA Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who and Torchwood. Even though I am VERY ANGRY with Captain Jack due to the third season of Torchwood, but he is still a very, very sexy man. Can't deny that.]

* Dude, did you hear? You can get your ashes put in a sculpture of a person's head. No, listen: You could get your ashes put in your OWN HEAD, or your ex-husband's head (that would freak him out), or your kids' head (teach the little shit to forget your birthday), or the PRESIDENT'S HEAD:

[Found at Wonkette]
I want to have my ashes put in the head of John Adams. Or William Shatner. I don't need to explain myself to you.

* This song won't stop playing in my head, and I have no problem with that AT ALL:

This is a badass song, and I CHALLENGE you to argue that.

* I found this through Warren Ellis, but it's drawn by Eliza Gauger, who is my new hero:

[Found at Warren Ellis]
If I was Batman, I'd do that too, all the time.

Words Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Epic Fails

Life Lessons
* King Oblivion, Phd. of the International Society of Supervillians teaches us about life, sex in bathrooms, and other important lessons he gleamed from Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony:
Cage fights are pretty fun until the guy with the knife shows up.
That guy's a dick.

Not if you manage to sneak in a flame thrower.


[Found at Wild Ammo]


* So when depressed teenagers are jumping on front of trains, the OBVIOUS SOLUTION is to stand around the train tracks and make sure they don't jump, rather then, you know, having a conversation with the kids, or trying to find out WHY the kids are so depressed:
There are no shrines erected here, no memorials to the four dead teenagers. No one wants to romanticize what happened. In fact, no one even uses the "S" word, instead referring to "the incidents," or "the misuse of the tracks." The volunteers fear saying anything that could encourage another copycat.

WHAT THE FUCK. These kids committed suicided. This should not be a taboo word. They committed suicide. The word does NOT make people go, 'Gee, I totally want to do that!.'

These kids are suicides. They are not 'incidents,' or 'misuses of the tracks.' How dare you undermine what these kids were suffering, and how desperate and hopeless they must have felt to do such a thing. HOW DARE YOU. And calling it an 'incident' won't stop other depressed, desperate kids from doing this.

These kids were depressed and scared and in so much pain that jumping front of a TRAIN seemed a better alternative to living. You could call it 'happy fun time.' It doesn't matter. Fuck your little watch crew. The next depressed teen won't jump in front of a train. They'll find another way, if they're that determined.

Maybe just talk to these kids? Get them counseling? Find out WHY they feel so hopeless, and solve the problem? No. No, standing out in the cold on the train tracks is a much better solution to having a conversation with your kid. Because that might mean admitting you failed on some level, or need to make an effort and change your parenting, and GOD FORBID you might have to do that.

I just don't understand the logic here. If a kid overdoses on a prescription, or cuts their wrists, are they going to follow teenagers into the bathroom? Because that could get all SORTS of awkward.

* I had some more coffee and have calmed down. I would like this chair:

[Found at Incredible Things]
It can hold 300 books! That's like, 1/3 of my collection, maybe!

Doctor Who
* I have not seen the "End Of Times" Doctor Who episode, SO DO NOT SPOIL IT, but Bossmew sent me this, and it in no way surprises me:


People I Love
* Once upon a time, a dude was selling hot dogs in New Orleans (much like A Confederacy of Dunces, which is one of my favorite books ever, and HAVE YOU READ IT?). Some other dude tried to rob him, with a knife. Well, Hot Dog Dude used to be a Marine, and he FUCKING PWNS that sorry-ass robber, WHILE WEARING the hot dog-seller uniform. Look at this BAMF:

[Found at Nola]
He is my hero. Let's all buy a hot dog from him, and discuss A Confederacy of Dunces.

You know, if you all go follow my blog on Twitter, I may have a New Years' surprise for you all. Or I may be lying. But if you don't follow me, YOU'LL NEVER KNOW, and it will haunt you all your days, the end.
- LV

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Great Outfits: Jessica Szohr

The gold necklace necklace and neon yellow handbag aren't working for me because it is too much. Her cute top is already embellished and the necklace is too much. The yellow neon bag clashes with all of the colors that are already packed in her outfit. I absolutely love her tribal printed shorts and embellished top. The leather strapped sandals compliment the look.


I like this casual outfit of a grey jersey tee tucked into her pants covered by a cute light mauve blazer (that also works like a cardigan) and a cross-body gorgeous leather bag. Her suede sandals work with the outfit. What doesn't work is her pants. The color and fit isn't working for me or Jessica.

In a cute summer dress with her mocha moccasins and handbag. I like the yellow towel. It is not meant to be part of her outfit, but I like the yellow as if it were part of her outfit.

Jessica is out with her arm candy boyfriend Ed Westwick in a bright salmon-red sweater, fedora, dark grey skinny jeans and cute golden buckle mocha leather moccasins.

I wish Jessica belted her cyan slouchy (intentionally or poor fitting?) beaded silk dress. I also wish she had better posture so the dress would fit her better. She also needed a (gold) clutch to work with her metallic strappy sandals.

I am loving Jessica's friend's Rodarte dress. It works wonderfully with her pale complexion and strawberry blond hair. Great out fit buddy. Jessica channels her edgy vibe in a black stitched leather bodice gown. I wish she had a colored clutch to break up the monotony.

Jessica Szohr wore a very summery palm leaf print Jovovich Hawk Spring 2008 dress, with multi-colored stripped heels. I am so glad someone wore my beloved Jovovich-Hawk!

Jessica Szohr usually looks very grungy and her hair is usually wild and out of control, but last night, she scrubbed up very well, with her hair pulled back to allow her stunning ivory J.Mendel Spring 2009 gown to shine. She completes her look with a Nancy Gonzalez clutch.

Jessica Szohr wore an asymmetric black and nude dress with matching crossing heels and a small black satin clutch. This dress is sexy without being too obnoxious.

Jessica Szohr’s character Vanessa was on set wearing this ethnic inspired contrast print Tibi strapless dress with a bright pink color-block panel down one side. But it’s just the right look for Vanessa, who teams her dress with tan studded heels.

I was gob smacked by how stunning Jessica Szohr looked on set wearing a stunning ivory Reem Acra Spring 2008 gown. Jessica, who was filming with Ed Westwick (Chuck Bass), looked absolutely stunning as she filmed scenes wearing the delicate chiffon and satin gown with beaded cap sleeves. It’s an extremely romantic gown, and the elegant updo and bold red lips adds to the overall charm.

Great Outfits: Liv Tyler

Liv's diamond snake ring adds just the right amount of shimmer to her outfit.

In Calvin Klein

I feel like this is particularly flattering on her. It's very retro, and she has kind of a retro aura to me.

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