Saturday, December 5, 2009

Here Lies Edmund Blackadder, & He's Bloody Annoyed!

* But Baldrick has a cunning plan! Title is, predictably, from Blackadder.

* Behold, the sickening talent of Michelle:

Angel of Death Number 2 by ~DanceswithElvis on deviantART
She also does unbelievable fanart for Watchmen, which is my personal favorite category (what? I love me some Rorschach)

Shhhhh.... by ~DanceswithElvis on deviantART
See, if I was this talented I would only draw for myself, and never share my work with anyone. But Michelle does, because she's a much better person than me. AND she's accepting commissions, and if I had money I would totally ask for some insane, epic fanart that would shame her as she drew it, and she'd never tell anyone about it because it would be so nuts, the end.
So, in conclusion, order some work for her, and make the world a little more artistic.

Daily Buy
* I think Patience showed me this, but I feel like this has always been a part of me, I WANT ONE SO BADLY:

[Found at Squishable]
SHARKY SHARKY SHARKY. DO WANT. PLEASE BUY THIS FOR ME. It is huge and huggable and snuggly. I'm just sad they don't have goats. I want a goat. ANYWAY, these will delight the children in your lives, or the totally bad-ass adults who enjoy snuggling ginormous balls of LOVE.

* I try not to comment on other countries, because that would be rude and presumptuous, and anyway I have my hands full commenting on my own country (mostly bits stolen shamelessly from The Daily Show, but I digress), but really, Austria, we need to talk:
An Austrian group has called for a ban on Father Christmas amid fears that the foreign invader is usurping the role of the traditional Christkind sprite.

So now we're banning Santa Claus. Because he's a foreign invader.
Look, Santa Claus is one of the most innocuous figures in the world. He brings presents and his stomach shakes like a bowl full of jelly. I'm decidedly unaffiliated with any religion, and I like Santa. Dude brings you presents. That's awesome.
Also, their solution to have a little blonde baby bring the presents instead
A) Doesn't help their argument against Santa's commercialism, and
B) Offers up the terrifying vision of a tiny baby dragging itself and several large presents across the floor of your jome in the dead of night,

* So, I think we can all agree that Mystery Science Theater 3000 is the greatest TV show ever that makes fun of bad movies.

Now imagine your WHOLE LIFE as narrated by Crow T. Robot, Tom Serve, and Joel (WHAT? Joel was my favorite. No offense, Mike, I love you as well, but Joel was the original, OK?).


[Found at Gizmodo]
ZOMG. And you make them, and maybe I will make them for someone as a holiday present, then keep it for myself, because the world would be a better place with more MST3K.

Russell Brand
* On one hand, I don't care who Russell Brand dates, because I don't know him, it doesn't alter my life on ANY level, and caring would be sort of insane.

On the other hand, I really dislike Katy Perry and her twee-ness, and his APPROVAL of said twee makes me sad, because his autobiography was extremely wonderful, and I think he's fantastic. Plus there hasn't been much going on in the world of Mr. Brand that doesn't involve Ms. Twee, and this isn't a damn gossip site, so I'm not going to be going, 'THIS JUST IN. RUSSELL BRAND AND KATY PERRY WENT TO THE GROCERY STORE AND BOUGHT ARTICHOKES, MORE AT ELEVEN.'

But this picture needs to be shared:

This is the caption:
I must make this writing sexy. If taken from the front you’d see the unusual appendage I use for typing.

Russell Brand, minus a shirt, plus a computer. FEAR AND LOATHING missed you, Mr. Brand. And I still think that if you date Lady Gaga, the age of Aquarius will be upon us.

Iron Man
* I know you've seen this poster, but you need to see it again, because Iron Man is epic win:

[Found at io9]
And this poster focuses on what MATTERS in Iron Man: Robert Downey, Jr. in ARMOR. TEAM RDJ.

Daily Hot Guy

[Chris O'Dowd, AKA Roy from The IT Crowd, who is IRISH, as if he needs any more help being sexy as hell. There needs to be more IT Crowd. Even though I prefer Moss. Megan can have Roy, I'll have Moss, and all will be well in the world.

Inglourious Basterds
* Do not question Quentin Tarantino. He works in mysterious ways. If he says the next volume of Kill Bill will not be for a while, then we, his loyal fans, must respect his wisdom. Oh, and it's not going to be called Kill Bill. Which makes sense.

* Expressionist painting of Donkey Kong?

[Found at Neatorama]
Sure. Why not? It's Saturday.

Tattoo Of Win
* I can't decide if I'm being sarcastic or not, because, DUDE, it's Chop Top:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
But he sort of looks like John Leguizamo. That's freaking me out.

* This is indeed a technicolor nightmare:

[Found at This Is Why You're Fat]
But imagine you are
A) Reeling from a horrific breakup
B) Drunk
C) Have five minutes left to live
D) Have ingested chemicals of questionable legality
E) Some hideous combination of the above,
then this meal of an Orange soda strawberry ice cream float topped with Skittles is probably the most delicious thing ever.

I'd like one. Right now. And I have none of the above excuses. It just looks pretty and sugary.

* This looks like the shoe of a dominatrix elf of doom:

[Found at Shoe Lust]

OK, busy busy busy.
- LV


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