Tuesday, December 1, 2009

For Some Reason, I Could Really Go For Some Pea Soup.

* Pea soup is good. Title is from Supernatural.

* Miss Banshee, one of the supreme rulers of the interwebz, exposes the conspiracy behind those Folgers coffee commercials. Any rumors you may have heard about me crying at old Hallmark commercials are untrue.

Daily Buy
* These cookie-cutters are sweet. Then again, I like anything that provides me baked good. But look! They look all chewed and stuff!

[Found at Neatorama]
I'd buy this for someone who loves baking, then not-so-subtly hint that in lieu of thank-you-cards, I'd appreciate cookies.

* I love latkes:

[Found at Slash Food]
I desire zucchini, scallion, and potato pancakes. MAKE THESE FOR ME. WE'RE GOING TO REACH 100,000 HITS TODAY, AND I THINK THAT LATKES WOULD BE A NICE THANK-YOU.

Girly Shit
* I don't like fur. And this is not changing my stance:

[Found at Best Week Ever]
This girl, who I do not know, is wearing THREE tails, a set of HORNS, and a ring of ANIMAL SKULLS.

If this becomes a fashion 'thing,' I'm out guys, seriously.

* This section will kill me one day. Mark my words.
I was reading BoingBoing yesterday, and noticed this headline:
Mother Jones on mints for your vagina

Now hold the phone. WHAT? The article, which is very interesting, is all about how these mints are bullshit. But my thought process was more along the lines of, 'MINTS FOR YOUR VAGINA WHUT?'

So I went to their website.
They claim the product 'flavors' a girls sex bits, to make her less repugnant to her partner and increase her confidence.

You're kidding, RIGHT? So you eat these mints, that contain who knows what, it alters your body's chemical makeup for TASTE, and then you feel better about yourself? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Yeah, yeah, disclaimer says novelty, but you know what? The website reads as serious, and THIS IS SO SICK. WHOEVER PAYS $7.99 FOR MINTS LIKE THIS SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAVE SEX AGAIN, EVER.

Except if you buy them as a joke. BUT EVEN THAT IS SORT OF SICK, YES? And how offensive. 'Yeah, girls are GROSS and their bits are REVOLTING, BURN THE WITCH AND SEND HER BACK TO THE KITCHEN. '

But girls are to blame, too. Are you that insecure about your BASIC BIOLOGY to endorse this product by using it? RISE UP. FIGHT THE MINT OPPRESSORS.

I need to go look at something soothing.

Daily Hot Guy
Steve Carell on Saturday Night Live Pictures, Images and Photos
[Ah. Much better. Steve Carell, who is a fine figure of a man, and who I hope one day has a show on Comedy Central between The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.]

* You guys think I'm kidding when I say I want to be Lady Gaga.

[Found at Gawker]
I hope this picture settles that debate.

Words Of Win
* Yeah, I would post a sign like this:

[Found at Passive Aggressive Notes]
The second one, I mean. That shouldn't surprise you.

OK, Tuesday, let's go.
- LV


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