Wednesday, December 2, 2009

You Nailed All My Lawn Furniture To My Roof.

* On the upside, now you can have roof parties. Title is from Glee.

Since this blog has hit 100,000 um... hits.... I'm going to celebrate (in part) by highlighting some of the amazing people I've gotten to know while doing this. Good amazing, I mean. Not the ones who are on Maury as we speak.

I can't draw. I say that often. I wish I could.

It's Dr.Horrible's turn by ~darkravenkiki on deviantART
Not only can Kristina draw, she can do anime versions of Dr. Horrible and Firefly and Watchmen. That's just not fair. NOT FAIR AT ALL. She should share her talent. Somehow. I haven't worked out that bit yet. And her drawings of Sylar from Heroes make him look menacing AND adorable, which is hard to achieve.

You can also buy her work, which you should totally do, because god damn I want a cute anime drawing of Sylar and Rorschach and Ianto drinking tea and eating sugar cubes and pie. It's Wednesday. The coffee isn't working. Leave me BE.

Daily Buy
* Some people have excellent balance. I do not. But some people do, and some of those people like electric skateboards, so you could always buy them this:

[Found Hammacher]
It goes 19 miles an hour, and can hold weights of over 200 pounds. It costs $599.95, so only get it for people you REALLY love/hate.

And if you see a short skinny girl shoot by screaming at 19 MPH, holding onto a skateboard for dear life... it's not me. Must be someone else.

* I have a conflicted relationship with the holidays. I love them, but I hate them, and they depress the hell out of me WHILE filling me with a warm fuzzy feeling. It's complicated. And I always get ugly socks, or really vile-smelling soaps from Bath & Body Works.
But to counteract the joy of the Daily Buy, here is a Holiday!Fail:

[Found at Passive Aggressive Notes]
HAHAHA, I just CRAPPED all over your holidays- I'm sorry. That wasn't even funny, and it's only WEDNESDAY, KNOCK ME OUT NOW.

* You need to click here, because this cracked me up, and made me lovingly question the good people at Marvel, while secretly hoping they will hire me to read comics and be funny. Or the ISS. I'm flexible. I can be good OR evil, depending on the vacation time.

Moment Of Win
* I kind of think this is a brilliant maze. I mean, how long would you spend trying to figure this out? 3, for seconds?
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Epic Fails

Life Lessons
* Patrick Stewart, AKA Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise, grew up under the shadow of domestic violence. He wrote a beautiful, sad piece for The Guardian about domestic violence, and the lasting effects. So read and donate, because nobody should have to go through that sort of experience.

* These pancakes covered with blueberry and boysenberry syrups, and chocolate-rainbow candies and a lollipop, may indeed be delicious:

[Found at This Is Why You're Fat]
But I'm blind from the technicolor pancakes now, so tastiness isn't really a factor for me at the moment.

Daily Hot Guy

[James Marsters, as Spike from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Requested by Liz. Thank you, Liz.]

* Bill O'Reilly and Mike Huckabee: TEAM FAIL

You DON'T commute a criminal's sentence, and then when he goes and KILLS four cops, you don't offer some HALF-ASSED explanation. This isn't about my dislike for Bill O'Reilly, or my contempt for Mike Huckabee. This is about four cops who were killed, who didn't have to die.

Would O'Reilly have heard this explanation and then said: "It's not your fault, Governor. I'm not saying it's your fault. I don't think anyone here is thinking it's your fault."

IT IS HIS FAULT. HE WAS THE GOVERNOR. THAT MAKES IT YOUR FAULT. If Mario Cuomo (former Governor of New York), had done this, I would be just as angry. If you're the governor, it's YOUR FAULT. I don't care if you're Democrat or Republican. You commute some guys sentence from 108 YEARS, and he goes and MURDERS for police officers, IT IS YOUR FAULT. END OF STORY.

I'm not saying O'Reilly was soft on Huckabee because they're both on FOX. I don't know why. But when four police officers are needlessly DEAD, that is not the time to be comforting the dude who let the killer out. I'm just saying.

* On the lighter side, Todd Palin has a delicious and easy recipe for 'Baked Alaska' Pot Brownies and beer. I love the Palins. They are never boring and always fun, so long as they have NO POWER whatsoever.

* Ladies and gentlemen, for your viewing pleasure, I present embroidered Lady Gaga toilet paper:

[Found at Regretsy]
'Viewing pleasure' may not be the right phrase.

This week is not fun. Can it be cancelled so I can get some sleep?
- LV


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