Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I AM A Giddy Goat.

* You know, when you say this out loud, in real life, people tend to give you some peculiar looks. Title is from The IT Crowd.

* ThatRevChap (who is the husband of the fabulous and all-powerful Patience, proving the universe can be glorious sometimes) has a gaming blog, and because of it I now want video games, an iPhone, and Ben & Jerry's ice cream. And I think I deserve them.

Daily Buy
* I want these leather gauntlets, and I think they are badass, and I know for a fact I am not getting them, but I SHOULD, RIGHT?

[Found at Free People]
They are SWEET, and only $30.00, and a STEAL, and I need them in my life, because I think the zombie apocalypse is coming soon, and these would be helpful, and I will only tell you how to survive said apocalypse in exchange for these leather gauntlets. Times are tough, guys.

Roland Burris has ruined "'Twas The Night Before Christmas".

Well, then.

* I can't embed this video, which is depressing, but you MUST click the link, because it is Dean Winchester (AKA Jensen Ackles) from Supernatural, ad-libbing a music video to 'Eye Of The Tiger' while dancing all over the Impala, and I could watch it forever and be a better person. Sent to me by Karma, who HAS the eye of the tiger, but not Dean Winchester. DOES SHE?

* Oh. My. God. What you are about to see was sent to me by BossMew, and I will be in her debt for this for ALL TIME. It is a picture of David Tennant. Dressed as Russell Brand. THERE ARE NO WORDS:


* And, on the opposite end of the wordless spectrum, we have this delightful piece of information:
As many as three-quarters of state schools are failing to push their brightest pupils because teachers are reluctant to promote 'elitism', an Ofsted study says today.
This is happening in England. Here in the US, we don't have gifted students. We sell them to other countries for gold. Low blow?

Daily Hot Guy

[Anthony Rapp, because it's almost Christmas, and even jaded New Yorkers sort of love Rent at Christmas, RIGHT? Anyway, who cares, he's adorable, and when he sings I am happy.]

* Um, I kind of love Mark Millar's Batman idea. Don't hurt me, but the idea of the Joker as super-rich, quasi Se7en serial killer anarchist (with Harley Quinn, PLZ?) makes me all fangirly and squee. I would see this movie. SEE IT A LOT. But until then, I'll have to buy the comic, Nemesis, when it comes out, and see how this all turns out.
And yes, I know of course that his idea is not a Batman comic, but I am going to pretend that the Joker and Harley have renovated Arkham into a kick-ass mansion, and have cool gadgets, and are rich and crazy.

* Today I learned that we should NEVER, EVER mix Family Guy with Disney animation.

Family Guy - Disney Style - A funny movie is a click away
HOLY CRAP. I am scared and frightened and want to go away from all of it.
Except for the Adam West mouse. I love that bit.

* The giant bunny thinks it's a doggie!

[Found at the Daily Mail]
I have nothing else to add. DOGGIE BUNNY.

* You can make a VCR into a toaster.

[Found at Neatorama]
PS The Young Ones is one of the best fucking shows EVER.

Tattoo Of Win

[Found at Ugliest Tattoos]
I am going to pretend, for the rest of my life, that this man's name is actually Tom.

OK. I may be getting sick, or someone may have laced my coffee with Swine Flu. Which would be the same thing, ish.
- LV


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