Friday, February 22, 2008

Good Omens (Not The Book, Although I Wish My Life Were Like That)

Just some quick notes before I buckle down to the continuing writing goodness (Disclaimer: Book I'm writing may not actually be good).

* Snowed today. Like, a lot. Then it got all slushy, and I think it's going to snow again. I like snowy days. Until they turn to slush and soak the pants of those of us too short to have normal-length pants. Then not so much.

* I THINK (think being the operative word here) that my travel plans are finally set. Or will be by the end of the evening. And I got to scream "silverwings and pubes" at my mother today. It's much funnier taken out of context.

* Nobody is mad at me. I know, because I asked.

* Job interview went well; if this writing thing falls through, I can always answer phones for the next fifty years. I have powers.

* I resisted the urge to rush into my favorite independent bookstore, give them my credit card, and start lugging piles of books into my apartment, laughing maniacally. It was a strong urge.

* Had lunch with my lovely friend Jay. Lunch itself was not so lovely, since they forgot to put spinach in my spinach omelet, making it really just... eggs.

* THEA GILMORE is playing on my LAST.FM. And now to making the words appear.
- LV


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